Official Artist
luke harrington
Art Director , Comic Creator / Cartoonist , Illustrator
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unfinished sketches graveyard

I was looking at some old sketchbook scans and found these. I never took them to completion but thought there was some good ideas here so for posterity..here they are.

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
the gun is bigger than the purse!
almost 17 years ago
Photo 23575
My cousin used to bring over the dungeons and dragons book and draw things from it with me when I was about 4. I love that book! The last one didn't scan too well but the guy is made of knotted mushroomy, crusty wood
almost 17 years ago
I love this one! Very very nice!
almost 17 years ago


Concept artist and creature designer.

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April 28, 2007