Official Artist
luke harrington
Art Director , Comic Creator / Cartoonist , Illustrator
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Making the frame again for the second half - I pulled off the plastelina and flipped him over (plastelina in this pic is just filler and I maintained a 1/2 inch between the wall and the figure) Mixin' and pouring the second half. Kitchen counter.. drop cloth.. Separating the mold and pulling out the original, went pretty smooth but somehow I got a slight mechanical lock on the hand due to some silicone seeping over the edge, got it out anyways)

Two halves ! No clay! So I realign, tape them together to get a nice tight seal. Tested the seal by blowing in the pour hole Casting in plaster to test it out. realized my pour hole was too small and I need to strategically place some bleed holes.. Eventually cut his foot out and poured there. This mold is UGLY, need to remake it if I want a serious cast. Final fellow. Notice how his finger tips didn't fill in. Air bubbles got trapped. Thinking about bleed holes or knocking the mold around a pit after pouring to get those out next time... Also he has a fat foot frrom the crude pour hole I had to make. Next up, a straight pour mold then a brush on mold with a 2 part support shell.

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
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awesome. i've never tried molding, but I studied it a bit in school and I saw an interesting video of a seminar with Adam Savage trying to make his own Maltese falcon.
almost 14 years ago


Concept artist and creature designer.

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