Official Artist
Loren Kinsella
Actor , Producer , Screenwriter
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Part of my resume

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Actress – Filmography


Murder At Midnight                                Principal                 Gammell Productions

[if gte vml 1]> /v:formulas /v:shapetype /v:shape<![endif][if !vml][endif]Real Life 101                                          Guest Star                 For Kids Productions

Feature Films

Man of 1000 Faces                                 Principal                  Secrist Productions

Best Protection                                       Lead                         Razor/Taodog Productions

Just My Luck                                          Principal                  New Regency Productions

Runaway Jury                                          Principal  (opp. Gene Hackman)  New Regency Productions

Nat’l Lampoon’s Freshmen Orient         Principal                 Lift Productions (dir. R.Shiraki)

Night Call                                                 Lean                        Rock Jar/The Rock ProductionsAfter Death                                            Lead                         Full Sail Productions

Adjusted for Earth Vision                        Lead                         Keylight Pictures


2 Fast 2 Furious                        Precision Driver                       Universal Productions (dir. J. Singleton)

Sonny                                      Gretchen-Double (Principal)    Hand Grenade Prod (dir. N.Cage)

Special Weapons and Tacs      Stunt Performer                       Swuz Productions (dir. D. Maxwell)


MasterGate                                              Wives/Merry Chase                 Actor’s Center Theater Group

Whose Brain Is It Anyway?                     Brainiac/Vanilla Slice                Valencia Productions

As You like It                                          Rosalind                                   Orlando Shakespeare Fest.

Le Petite Theatre                                    Equity Company Member        Roles Available

Universal Studios                                      Actor/Stunt Performer            Universal, Orlando/IOA

Masters of the Realm                               Stunt Performer (Stage)           DiamondSports

WahLumTemple                                   International Demo Team       RepresentingU.S.A.

Walt Disney World                                  Equity Contract Performer      Roles Available

Soloist                                                      Delta Festival Ballet                 Roles Available

Soloist                                                      New Orleans Ballet Association  Roles Available


Drama/Improv/Comedy - BHPH, E. Morris, J. Hong, The Groundlings, J Worth, E. Hissolm LAAC, NOCCA, P. Cherry, E. Jacoby, K. Mullen

Stunts- E. Lee, G. Wilder, J. Beck, P. Aslaksen (all DGA) Precision Driving -G. Bishop (DGA)

Martial Arts- Grandmaster P. Chan, J. Lundon, C. Aguillar, P. Hartegen

Dance-GiacobbeAcademy, NOCCA, The Edge, D. Howard, R. Zide, C. Oszoy

Voice Overs - B. Bergern, G. Kopf, A. Hong

Special Skills

Martial Arts- Sword Fighting, Kung Fu, Eastern and Western Weapons , Stunts,Handguns,HighFalls, Rappelling, Slide-For-Life, Bungee Work, Dance- Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop

Other:         Speaks Chinese (Mandarin & Cantonese), Speaks French

   Accents- Scottish, Irish, British, French, Hungarian, Dutch, German, Italian, All American, Swedish, Chinese, Cajun, Southern, New England, Brooklyn, Bronx


Producer –

Filmography (as A.K. Trepagnier)

Kung Fu Kafe

2004 - Completed– a syndicated cable television show showing off the talents of Asian American celebrities and role models, wrapped around spectacular feature films, inter-cut with interviews, cooking demonstrations, and physical action sequences.

Renew Orleans


2006- - Pre-Production- a weekly network television series showing the renewal of the hurricane beaten Gulf South. Scheduled to begin principal photography in July 2006. Set to air in the fall of 2006.

Best Protection – Festival de Cannes

2006 – - Completed - Director- Markus Innocenti, Cinematographer- Henryck Cymerman – A film submitted and accepted to Festival De Cannes’ Short Film Corner. Two women vie to see which is worthy of  the Best Protection.



  • In Pre Production – Scheduled principal photography in Summer 2007. Scheduled release 2008. Feature Film.

When the fate of the world is in the balance,

the underdogs step up to the plate to meet thechallenge.

Yung (aka The Legend of Yung) 2009- - Future Development- a feature film trilogy that tells the story of Ma Ming Yung, Chinese outlaw as he makes his way from China through the Americas, slated for release to be determined.

Prods -2009 - Future Developmen- a feature film that tells the delightful romantic comedy of two producers scouring the globe to find their leading man. Principal photography to be determined, slated for release to be determined.


2009 – - Future Development- a feature film that tells the story of Pinkerton Detectives examining the case of a mysteriously murdered magician. Principal photography to be determined, slated for release to be determined.


Post Production –

Warner Brothers/FOX Productions Post Production Consultant/Subtitle Authoring Engineer, US

Assorted titles on DVD and BluRay. Major Titles to include, The Dark Knight, Body of Lies, Rocknrolla, Pride and Glory, Speed Race, The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, The Matrix Revolution, Marley and Me, The Secret Life of Bees, Zabrinski Point, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Sex and the City, Gran Torino, American Dad, Watchmen

about 17 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
wow ... you are awsome !!!! keep up the great work !!!!
almost 16 years ago
Photo 4968
Thanks darling, You too! :)
almost 16 years ago


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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin, french
Location (City, Country)
Los Angeles, United States
Member Since
August 14, 2005