I was lucky to be at the right place at the right moment to watch the total solar eclipse in Shanghai !
Unfortunatly today it's a rainy day so dark clouds hide the meeting between the sun and the moon. In a bright interval before the total darkness around 9.15am i could see through the clouds the moon eating the sun (Mary my mandarin teacher taught me this chinese way to say it) ;)
Because of the bad weather i couldn't tell if it was getting darker because of the heavy clouds or the eclipse... But then quickly no doubt anymore, the temperature dropped and the sky changed color :
And then total darkness fell in front of me. I felt like being in a SF movie !
9.37AM can you believe that ??!!
9.42AM Light came back little by little.
It was an awesome experience !!
I'm happy i could witnessed that impressive natural phenomenon. It's like living a whole day passing by, day-dusk-night-dawn-day in 10mn !!
Lex Luthor would have the perfect 5mn opportunity to beat Superman today...
I look japanese,chinese or korean but I'm not...But for sure, I am french. I like when life is random, full of surprises and fun stuffs. I try to go forward,