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Why are men in Hong Kong such Jerks??

This was a really funny letter that our 'Single in The City' Blogger received about why guys in Hong Kong are jerks.



over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
I hate to break the news to you, but it isn't just HK that has this problem. I think there must be a jerkasauraus gene and, with the ingestion of great quantities of alcohol coupled with a huge inferiority complex, the thing switches on and works overtime. The saddest thing about how these men behave is that they are showing how insecure they feel and what a low self-image they possess. It is best to steer clear of these guys until such time as they come to their senses and do a little work on what ails them. Until that then, they are a bad bet. Women can't change men, only men can change themselves. The fastest way to have to confront your shortcomings and do the necessary work on yourself is to be alone and forced to face yourself. Give these guys a wide berth. Either enough women will do the same now, or time will make them infinitely less attractive, and they will eventually be left on their own and have to confront themselves. If they do the work, they might be worth spending time with but, until they do, they are losers!
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i have to disagree a bit with this part: "Our friend went on to explain that many men in Hong Kong never got any play back in their home country. They would be lucky if a girl even glanced in their direction. They get out to Asia and suddenly it's not only possible for them to get laid, but it's possible to have multiple hot Asian girfriends. " In Japan these types are referred to as 'BHL' (Back Home Losers'), but I would say that compared to Japan (and I'm sure Korea is the same), the expats here are not the same breed. In HK they're probably bigger A-holes because they are actually mostly financially successful banker types, who are cocky jerks - which explains the A-holeness. I don't think there is a long line of attractive women fighting over these guys in HK however. (or if there is, I haven't seen them). :-P
over 15 years ago


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