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Michael Wong @ the Cultural Centre


There were a lot of familiar faces show support at Michael's concert, awesome!!! Here are finally some pictures! Thank you Etchy for taking some of the pics!

Michael hired some bodyguards for his daughters who performed alongside their dad in one of the songs!                   

Last song!                  

The Michael Wong Big Band

Yuki, an up and coming artist from Japan, was one of the main singers

The afterparty was held at the Blue Bar @ Four Seasons

My throat was a little bit soar two days before the concert so instead of going to the doctor for antibiotics I thought to myself: Why use all these chemicals to get better? I should do it the natural way! So I went to one of those herbal shops and I got this herbal mix from the nice gentleman there... He said I should keep adding hot water to the mixture and drink it for a couple of days...When I put the mixture in the mug I just saw a lot of powder and didn't notice anything strange... but on the second day I removed the lid and had a peek...There were these little green colored bits in there... when I poked in it a little bit, I found this...

Yes, a huge swollen bug....I didn't know the gentleman put a bug in there! I asked a friend what it was and he said it is used a lot in Chinese medicine... I'll think twice before going to those herbal shops next time...bugs are not my thing...

16 年多 前 0 赞s  14 评论s  0 shares
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Always protect the Lady in red! = )
16 年多 ago
Photo 33405
Wish I could've made it... you look great. I'll def try to make it next time. Hope your throat feels better soon!
16 年多 ago
Photo 39462
wahhhh bugs bugs eeeeeeek!
16 年多 ago
hope i can get watch ur performance one day ... ADI
16 年多 ago


Nicola in Kinky Boots MIMI in RENT Aquino's mother in HERE LIES LOVE KIM in MISS SAIGON www.twitter.com/litonghsu http://www.weibo.com/litonghsu http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2230907404


Shanghai, China & Amsterdam, Holland
May 14, 2007