Official Artist
Yu-Beng Lim
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east of aden


had a blast filming this yesterday. here's a still from "east of Aden", or at least a trailer for the movie, which is being offered to investors everywhere to source funds to make the thing. i sure hope it happens! always loved this kind of action thriller.

thanks to militancy filmed entertainment, and director marcus lim, producer lim jen nee, DP lim teck siang and sfx makeup wyntrice lim for a great day. you guys rock! and before all of you out there start wondering if we're all related, no we're not! it's just that "lim" is the second most common surname in singapore after "tan". you know we just had a presidential election where all 4 candidates were named "tan"?

and now, i really  need a shower....

here's to "east of aden" and let's make it happen!


over 13 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
Photo 40600
yubes, looking good! and all the best! rock'em buddy! cheers!
over 13 years ago
Photo 51673
hey thanks big guy! you could so rock this thing! call you when i need some rasslin'!
over 13 years ago
Photo 553278
wot about bali.. only 4 names wayan normahn katoot oops forget the 4th but eldest always wayan and if more kids..start names again..lol but everyone seems to know who is who and manage very well, you look great congrads.. is it east aden/eden ?.
over 13 years ago
Koolcampus 25 logo kteam medium
Year 2011 drawing to a close soon as time flies. Hope the very best for you is around the corner, in the YEAR OF THE DRAGON, yah.
over 13 years ago


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