Video: Abrams is spectacular. Casey Abrams... His rendition of Georgia on my mind is absolutely exquisite. Enjoy!! ROOTING FOR YOU ABRAMS!!
Some promo videos of a TV series that I was in way back in 2009? It was right after grad - mind the hair and the braces! very glamourous indeed. a montage video of classmates during our 2nd year. - presenting to you Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors - Women Power!And a short film on Vimeo entitled Fragments, directed by Nicholas Lim. It was shot during my first year in acting school almost 6 years ago. Video: more
Hello friends! lol. this is my 1st blog entry of this year! bravo lez! It has been a long and emotional week, especially to the nations that have been affected by the earthquake and tsunami. My heart goes all out to the victims who have been affected by this horrendous disaster. Have been praying and sending out love and healing to the people. I am truly grateful that family and friends in Japan are safe. Be strong Japan!!As for me it has been a tough ride here in KL.. Castings every week or so, hoping to get something out of all these cas...Read more
Ah.. after months and months of receiving emails from alivenotdead about community updates, I'm finally here to finish up where I left off a year and a half ago. I'm sitting at Coffee Bean reading a copy of the script over and over again, jotting notes down, watching clips online, reading ... info info: -it's a webseries project that I'll be working on with Jourdan Lee, Inch Chua, Rob Jenkins, Nicholas Bloodworth and Mohammad Faizal - story by momma Tan Kheng Hua and Gavin Lim, with Glenn Chan as DP and written by Oon Jit Fong. I...Read more
Where there is love, there is life. - Gandhi PORN MASALA won the Audience Choice Award at the Gotham International Film Festival in New York and was official