Official Artist
Lez Ann Chong
Actor , Dubbing Artist , MC / Show Host
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Yo yo yo! Ken comes to town

Yes! A script read tomorrow for my upcoming short film project with Ken Kwek, the gorgeous Joanne Kam and Ollie Johanan. If you've read my previous entry - it's for a series of short film entitled The Buttery Surface that we'll be filming in Singapore this coming June.OH HAPPY DAY! FINALLY! 

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
Photo 51673
good for you dear! shi-an just did her first short film today, playing the young shu-an! hahaha!
almost 14 years ago
Lezannchong 3a lezannchong
Haha that's great!! :) will want to watch it yubes! Let me know when it's out! Proud of you Shi-an!! X
almost 14 years ago
Lezannchong 3a lezannchong
How's momma kheng doing?! Miss her very much !! Send her lotsa warm hugs for me :)
almost 14 years ago


Where there is love, there is life. - Gandhi PORN MASALA won the Audience Choice Award at the Gotham International Film Festival in New York and was official

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June 21, 2008