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lawrence ku
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About lawrence ku

Guitarist/composer Lawrence Ku grew up in Los Angeles, California, but has made China his home for over ten years. Since late 2005, he has been living in Shanghai. He plays regularly at the JZ Club ( and is the music director at the JZ School ( He has previously resided in Beijing, where he performed regularly and taught at the Midi School of Music and the Beijing Contemporary Music Institute, and Boston, where he did his graduate work in composition and jazz performance at the Longy School of Music and the New England Conservatory.

The Lawrence Ku Septet recently recorded and released its first CD "Process" in 2007 and has been featured at the Helsinki Jazz Festival, Beijing Ninegates Jazz Festival and the Shanghai International Jazz Festival. He also leads his trio, a funk-groove band called the Red Groove Project and is part of The Far East Quartet, which recently released its debut recording "Something Real".

Lawrence has had the honor of playing with such musicians as Joe Lovano, Gunther Schuller, Maria Schneider, George Russell and Ken Schaphorst. And as part of the diverse and constantly growing music scene in Shanghai, he has performed with musicians from all over the world, including Jon Morrison, Willow Neilson, Toby Mak, James Danderfer, Campbell Ryga, Cennet Jonsson, Alec Haavik, JQ Whitcomb, Xia Jia, Victor Noriega, Steinar Nickelson, Rolf Becker, Sinne Eeg, Andy Hunter, Peter Scherr, Simon Barker, Sean Higgins, EJ Parker, Chris Trzcinski, Nicholas Mcbride and others.

Lawrence is also the host of "More Than Jazz", a weekly televised music program about jazz and creative music which airs on the International Channel Shanghai (ICS).

Lawrence has learned from some incredible musicians including Ben Monder, Charlie Banacos, Jerry Bergonzi, George Garzone, George Lewis and Carol Kaye.

吉他演奏家/作曲家顾忠山是目前中国爵士乐界最据影响力的音乐家之一。他成长在美国加利福利亚州洛杉矶,曾从师一系列一流音乐家:Ben Monder, Charlie Banacos, Jerry Bergonzi, George Garzone, George Lewis and Carol Kaye。在波士顿学习年间,修完了美国Longy School of Music与New England Conservatory的作曲和爵士演奏的研究生课程。1997年回国定居,早期在北京迷笛音乐学校和北京现代音乐学院任教。2005年底开始在上海JZ Club驻演,同时担任JZ School音乐总监。他的学生来自全国各地其中已有不少成功的演奏家和教育家。 2007年顾忠山的七重奏乐队发行了首张CD《历程》该乐队曾受邀登场芬兰赫尔辛基爵士节,,北京九门爵士节,上海复兴国际爵士节。此外,他还带领一支名为“红节奏乐队”的放克音乐组合。同时,他是新东亚四重奏的一员,2006年推出了他们的首张唱片《真实》。 顾忠山曾与杰出音乐家Joe Lovano, Gunther Schuller, Maria Schneider, George Russell, Ken Schaphorst合作演出。作为正在发展劲头的上海爵士乐界的领军人物,与来自世界各地的音乐家Jon Morrison, Willow Neilson, Toby Mak, James Danderfer, Campbell Ryga, Cennet Jonsson, Alec Haavik, JQ Whitcomb, Xia Jia, Victor Noriega, Steinar Nickelson, Rolf Becker, Sinne Eeg, Andy Hunter, Peter Scherr, Simon Barker, Sean Higgins, EJ Parker, Chris Trzcinski, Nicholas Mcbride等都有着紧密的合作。 顾忠山除了忙碌于教育和演出外目前更应邀主持上海ICS电视台每周日的《不完全爵士》(“More Than Jazz”)节目。

Interesting facts about lawrence ku

Languages Spoken english, mandarin
Location Shanghai, China
Gender male
English Name Lawrence Ku
Traditional Chinese Name 顧忠山
Member Since November 29, 2007
Fans 21
Profile Views 58,589



english, mandarin
Shanghai, China
November 29, 2007