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ks 1
Graphic Designer , Painter , Photographer
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I started wearing Vans only 5 years ago, yet I have already get 20 pairs of Vans in these 5 years. My favourite pair would be the Vans Era x Parra one which launched in 2009. I personally love Parra this illustrator/designer. Although there’s a slogan on the shoes writing “Don’t forget to actually skate in these!”, I am reluctant to wear this plain white shoes to skate or draw because I am afraid I will make them dirty. The canvas-like shoe surface makes me think of my past, where I used to do my drawing at the back stairs of my home before I have my

own studio.

Every pair tells their own tale. What's yours? Go to vans.com/classictales to share yours! |

其實我在五年前才開始穿著VANS, 而我在短短五年間擁有的VANS由一對變成二十多對, 不過當中最喜愛的是在〇九年推出的VANS x PARRA的ERA一款,我本身也很喜愛PARRA這位插畫/ 設計師,雖然鞋上的口號寫著"DON'T FORGET TO ACTUALLY SKATE IN THESE!", 不過我總不捨得穿這雙鞋去踩滑板或畫畫而把它純白色的鞋身弄髒, 像是畫布的鞋身令我想多年前還未有自己工作室的時候, 常常在家後梯作畫的時間。


vans.com/classictales和大家分享一下吧 ! |

其实我在五年前才开始穿着VANS,而我在短短五年间拥有的VANS由一对变成二十多对,不过当中最喜爱的是在〇九年推出的VANS x PARRA的ERA一款,我本身也很喜爱PARRA这位插画/设计师,虽然鞋上的口号写着"DON'T FORGET TO ACTUALLY SKATE IN THESE!",不过我总不捨得穿这双鞋去踩滑板或画画而把它纯白色的鞋身弄髒,像是画布的鞋身令我想多年前还未有自己工作室的时候,常常在家后梯作画的时间。



over 13 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
Photo 37614
haha...thanks patrick!
over 13 years ago
Paulinec 1a img 1269
hahaha... it's making me wanna go out and get a few more pairs!!
over 13 years ago
Photo 37614
yeah, they got alot of style which is good for girls~
over 13 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
at least you got the matching ones on! :-D
over 13 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
you should actually do some artwork on them... white canvas is just asking for it!
over 13 years ago
Photo 37614
yeah, I gona find a whle blank white one to draw something on it...haha~
over 13 years ago


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Hong Kong
Member Since
September 5, 2007