Kristina Wong
演员, 喜剧演员, 笔者
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The Wong Sans Wheels Chronicles #23: Sans Home

Ok, I know that I was supposed to not blog or Facebook for a week. But I had my great bright idea already.

I'm not only giving up owning a car, but also, having a place to live in Los Angeles!

That's right! I'm going homeless! Yay!

Hear me out! There is logic in this horrible idea!

I tour so much anyway, that for the last two years I was wondering, "Could I actually get away with not having a lease somewhere?"

So, I am putting my things in public storage next month. And starting January, will be without an address of my own. I'm going to couch surf and see what address will come to me next. I'm going to float about, and see what it's like to have no tethers whatsoever.

It does help that I have friends everywhere that have room for me to stay, that all of January, parts of Feb, March and April, I'm on tour. Oh yeah, and that technically, I still do have my apartment in West LA (my cousin lives there but there's a couch with my name on it).

But yes! I'm going to see what it's like to live out of Public Storage and a PO Box! Hoorah! It's the kind of unstable life that I thought I outgrew 10 years ago, but heck, better late than never!

And best yet... what great material for the show! (yes, just like women trying out porn acting for a day is "feminist research"!)

Woo hoo! Who's got a couch? Because here comes the mooch!

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What a somber name for a site. Death? Yeeks!


Los Angeles, United States
May 20, 2008