Kristina Wong
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Fannie's back, back again.

Just when you thought the old broad had gone home to roost, she's BAAAACK!

This year's VC film fest has multiple mentions of "Miss Chinatowns." The opening night Ping Pong Playa(in which, I have a "blink or you'll miss it" cameo as Miss Chinatown), the Xin Lu Bus Tour features a guerilla performance by Fannie Wong, and of course the documentary Yours Truly, Miss Chinatownfollows me and two other Miss Chinatowns. I actually am on the bus today so will miss most of the screening. Very nervous anyway about watching myself on camera.

So of course, I had to resurrect Fannie for the opening. And bring the entourage.

From L to R: Pepe Le Tsu (Fannie's documenter and French-Chinese Film Auteur), Sirloin (Fannie's security/escort), Fannie Wong (Former Miss Chinatown 2nd Runner Up), and Karin Anna (Somewhat less notable celebrity).

What's so awesome is that Fannie Wong, Former Miss Chinatown 2nd Runner up is finally being acknowledged as a real life entity. The VC Filmfest made me an industry badge that reads "Fannie Wong, Former Miss Chinatown 2nd Runner Up." And Fannie also got to do the "red carpet" walk for the press. They were bonkers for it. Fannie even got on the floor at one point and started writhing for the cameras.

What's funnier is that in the VC online album, Fannie's mug shows up more than people who were actually in the movie.

What's weird is that as obnoxious as she is, I'm quite shy playing her. And for some reason don't think that people can actually see me under all the garb when I'm all done up.

It's a welcome switch to be home, in my own apartment in LA. I get to be home for one month before hitting the road! I'm so happy. I love New York, but it was killing me and my wallet.

Of course, the day before I left, I found out I was just a few blocks from this view....

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What a somber name for a site. Death? Yeeks!


Los Angeles, United States
May 20, 2008