IMG00291 Originally uploaded by lewongsterI feel like when I am walking around here, big font that says "AWAKE!" should show up in the upper left hand corner of the sky. And on the lower right hand corner it should say, "The Light and The Way."
Great news, I finished a scrīpt for "Cat Lady"-- the piece going up at the REDCAT at the end of the month. It's a little tricky to work on performance while here since generate performance work so interactively. But I'm really amazed at what I could string up on paper and how I was able to work by phone with people. It's a nice departure from what I've done before. It's about loneliness and pick-up artists, and my cat Oliver. And I swear it is socially important. I am using fishing rods in the piece! Inspired by the fishing I have been doing and watching here.
What a somber name for a site. Death? Yeeks!