Kristina Wong
演员, 喜剧演员, 笔者
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A Tall Hot Glass of Shut the F*** Up.

The images in today's blog showed up when I google image searched for "nothing."

After a few conversations this weekend among friends, I realize how important it is to take a break from hustling so feverishly. Especially from social networking sites. I know, I know, blogging is good marketing.

I mean, I know that keeping up your tweets is all part of how we show that we're here and important.

But dude, I'm tired now of living life, then reporting on it, so as to keep people interested in purchasing me as a cultural commodity. And not all things need to go said. And people won't totally forget me if I stop blogging and updating FB right? At least for a week or two? I mean, will I not be able to make a living if my "pixels get old"?

I was reading in an article in the Huffington Post how to get your free time back. It recommended getting off of Facebook.

I'm going to take break from Facebook and blogging as I take a moment for some inner dialogue.

I also need to study my lines for the four different shows I have this weekend. I need to get situated in what I care about again.

There are four shows this week I'd like to plug. They are listed below.... If you want to know what's on my mind, come to the shows instead! StartFragmentLOS ANGELESNovember 10, 9:30pm

and November 13, 8pmHooray!!! Whoring for Hollywood!

Kristina Wong and D'Lo's Big Industry Showcase!

Acme Theater in Hollywood

LA Comedy Festival

November 14, 1:30-2:45p (the Quest) 5-6:30pm (the Journey)Los Angeles Storytelling Festival Culver-Palms UMC Complex, 4464 Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City, CA 90230

(Check website for ticket prices.)

December 2, 7pmMass Transit Themed Comedy Show

18th St Arts Complex

1639 18th St.,

Santa Monica, CA


SAN FRANCISCONovember 15, 6:30- 8:30pmKristina does carless comedy for "She Who Laughs Last" Fundraiser for SF WAR
(San Francisco Women Against Rape)

Victoria Theater in Mission District

San Francisco, CA

(Check website for ticket prices.)EndFragment

See you when I emerge from this great big thought I'm working on by myself. Wish me luck.

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What a somber name for a site. Death? Yeeks!


Los Angeles, United States
May 20, 2008