###Actor REMUS KAM is one interesting fella.
, setting his sights on the big time.
###As an ACTOR he’s seen and been places, worked in Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and Singapore.
is where he is based now.
before the Chinese New Year 2010, shooting a 20 episode drama series HAPPY FAMILY.
charmed one and all as he exuded charismatic screen presence.
with the then established Cantonese drama factory called HVD. That year was 1997.
where he plans to invest in a production company and make TAIPEI his home.
says the SINGAPORE market is too small.
into his long term plans.
entertainment scene though.
entertainment scene, even after the ten long years since he left.
has this advice for fellow artistes:
KOOL? Sure! NO - We are NOT a varsity campus (funny if you think so). CERTAINLY - we are a 100% professional beating-heart FILM PRODUCTION COMPANY. We are h