Official Artist
Koji Steven Sakai
Producer , Screenwriter
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New Life in Stereo Magazine out!

When I think of Red, I think of blood. The blood, sweat, and tears that artists have to go through every day… Okay, just kidding. When I think of red, especially in February, I think of Valentine’s Day. When I was single (I’m married now), women used to think being a writer was romantic and dare I say, sexy? But in reality, being a writer means me sitting in front of my computer for hours and hours, often with my hands down my pants and mumbling to myself. Needless to say, not a sexy image for anyone! Even me! So this special Valentine’s wish goes out to all my fellow artists, find a woman or a man (whatever floats your boat) that loves you enough to leave you alone to do your thing! I was lucky, I found one that often prefers me not to be around!

Koji Steven Sakai, Editor-in-Chief

Check out the magazine at: http://teruo.com/lifeinstereo.html

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May 4, 2008