Koji Steven Sakai
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Chink World Premier!

Contact: Daniel Flores


Margin Films / Fresh Fear




= the most exciting Asian Pacific American heritage month ever!



April 1, 2013:is the first Asian American horror feature. CHINK is the first Asian American serial killer thriller. CHINK is the first Asian American feature of its kind to world premiere at the Los Angeles Asian American Film Festival on Saturday May 4, 2013 @ 9:30 pm at the Director’s Guild of America in Los Angeles.

Chinese American Eddy Tsai hates himself and the color of his skin so much that it drives him to idolize serial killers like Ted Bundy until he eventually becomes a serial killer himself.

CHINK confronts race, sexuality and gender head on. Will Eddy kill the blonde coworker he has a crush on? Will he get revenge against his abusive parents? What about the boss that he despises? And finally, will he kill the only woman he’s ever loved?

A first provocative feature directed by Stanley Yung, written by Koji Steven Sakai ( )and produced by Quentin Lee,

will take you to those uncomfortable and frightening places like a bloody rollercoaster. Jason Tobin ( , ) plays the titular character with Eugenia Yuan ( , ) as Eddie’s love interest and Tzi Ma ( , ) as Eddie’s antagonistic boss.

“It’s time for the so-called ‘model minority’ stereotype to die. Take some dynamite and a blowtorch and blow it the fuck out of the water. is a slasher movie with a message,” says director Stanley Yung.

Please join us for the world premiere of this unforgettable film on May 4, 2013:


Celebrating May, Asian Pacific American Heritage month, Wolfe Releasing and Paladin Pictures will release theatrically, the acclaimed Asian American teen drama directed by Quentin Lee with Booboo Stewart ( , ), Harry Shum Jr. ( ), BD Wong ( ), Gregg Sulkin ( ), Tyler Posey ( ), Justin Martin ( ) and Joan Chen ( ).


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Los Angeles, United States
May 4, 2008