Koji Steven Sakai
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Check out a new article about my ex ex ex crushes... on Teruo.com

Check out my article about my ex ex ex crushes on Teruo.com... Here is a snippet of the article...

I long for the way love felt in elementary school…

My first meaningful interaction with the opposite sex came when I tried to trip Valerie in first grade. I got caught by the teacher, which led to a teacher-parent conference I don’t enjoy thinking about. I was not a malicious girl tripper like the teacher insinuated.  She tried to trip me; it was payback – not a sign of a sick pathology. If I were to meet Valerie today, I’d try to trip her again. I have a long memory and this isn’t the kind of thing people with my disposition tend to forget.

Fortunately, the incident did not affect my ability to love during those formative years.  I learned my lesson: keep my legs under my desk and never trust authority.


Jennifer was my first love; her reign lasted from the end of first grade through most of the second grade. She was a cute blond haired and blue eyed girl – an endangered species in my hometown. I liked her because she shared the same last name as a Brooklyn Dodgers Hall of Famer. I assumed if I married into her family, I would get to meet him. Imagine my surprise when I found out they were not related. This was the first time a girl had let me down. I was devastated.

I thought I could never love again. But it was Julia who saved my faith in girls in the third and forth grade. She was mean and hit me, and I loved that about her. Unlike Jennifer, this new relationship was based on honesty. We met because we always sat next to each other in class. It was fate. And since her last name started with a “D” and mine with an “S” it was clear our teachers wanted us to be a couple, rooting for us like Romeo and Juliet. We were happy and that’s all that mattered.


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Los Angeles, United States
May 4, 2008