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Shake em Buns, Gravis, Burton, and Gang Bang!

Gravis / BurtonJoe Babcock from Gravis came to Hong Kong again, it’s good hanging out with him, always.  He’s a good guy and I’m super psyched with his project that he has with Kelly (Kikuta) over at Gravis IVSK8.  Both talented cats doing a brand, figure it out yourselves.Joe came with Burton heads (Nick, Andrew, Colin, Joe and Susan).  It’s good meeting them heads.  I think for those of you who’s into snowboarding, you all know that Burton is the best, period.  Nothing can come close.Took  them to Shake em Buns and forced them each to try the “Gang Bang” burger (yep that’s the actual name.  They did and LOVED it.  Dayeem, talking about it, makes me want to go there and get one.  I hope Shake Em Buns can sponsor some heads.* Be ready to check out the upcoming Spring/Summer 09 and Fall/Winter 09 of Gravis footwear.  I don’t think you guys are ready! Definitely forcing the rest to step their game up.  Respect! joebabcock.jpgnick.jpgandrewcolin.jpggravisburton.jpg

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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