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Nike City Jam + Michael Lau Exhibition

Nike SB organized a skateboarding contest all throughout HK and China. The Hong Kong stop was on the 23rd of July 2011. It was super successful, many of HK local skateboarders were performing their best that day. Chun Chai was automatically in to their final City Jam Contest which will be on the 20th of August 2011 in Shanghai. The HK City Jam Contest 3 winners are Hong Chai (Winner), Lung Chai (1st Runner Up) and Ben Coniam (2nd Runner Up).

At the same time, Nike HK is also doing an exhibition with Michael Lau, the illest artist in HK. Nike HK invited HK skateboarders to check out the exhibition. Also to check the latest collection from Nike SB, Nike NSW and Nike Running sneakers. It was fun and one thing for sure, Michael Lau is super fucking amazing.

Another thumbs up to Anthony Claravall for filming/editing the Nike SB City Jam HK Contest.

Nike City Jam Series – Hong Kong 23 July 2011 from Warren Stuart on Vimeo.

These 3 will go to Shanghai and compete. (from left to right) Ben Coniam (2nd runner up), Hong Chai (winner) and Lung Chai (1st runner up)

Forever31 is in the house

Ma Thai, some dude, HKIT and Skinner

Hong Chai, Mouse, Pak (Game of S K A T E winner) and Ngau aka COW

Guy Mariano, Kelly Hart and Justin Eldrige were in town so we took them to check it out as well. Good to see them fools out here in HK again!

Kelly Hart, Lee Hawk and Anthony Claravall

WZA and his idol; Mr Guy Mariano

2 of HK ill skateboarding photographers; SW KIT and NIGEL were there as well.

about 13 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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