A good friend of ours; Mr Simon Birch is doing this amazing art exhibition called HOPE & GLORY. Something about the circus, his life, Star Wars and whatnot. When you know what’s up you know what’s up, Simon built this dope miniramp with 5 ft on 1 side and 20ft on the other side (I wish Rick McCrank was there).
Many good friends showed up to support and checked out Simon’s latest work.
And of course, lots of Hong Kong illest skateboarders (Chun Chai, Piet Guilfoyle, Dani Bautista, On Chai, Johnny Tang, Lung Chai, Lee Hawk, WZA, Andy Lee, Jimmy Wong and more) also showed up when you built dope fun shit like that.
Go check out SImon’s work, it’s pretty damn dope.
Simon Birch
YES, YES, one of the illest couples. Daniel & Lisa, finally back to Hong Kong from a long overseas work.
Whenever and whereever there’s a miniramp, these 2 are always present; Jimmy Wong and Andy Lee. Trust me, build it in Papua New Guinea, they’ll both showed up, for sure.
Always good to see Mr and Mrs Ryan and Candace Hui out and about. Dope shit.
2 Hong Kong skateboarders that smile a lot; Lee Hawk and On Chai.
Piet Guilfoyle, what a true skateboarder should be.
Yeah baby, ODU and Conroy Chan aka Baba aka Drunk aka Loy Loy aka Sorry-I’m-Late-On-The-Way-Blessed.