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Kit Hui
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I always love and am constantly facinated by the idea of Polaroids.  You stop time with a quick snap (I love the sound that a Polaroid camera makes,) but for the next few minutes, the past, present and future all blend into one, as you eagerly wait in the present time, for the past to slowly develop in front of your eyes, and you anticipate what the polaroid picture will end up looking like.

In 1977, the Russian director Tarkovsky took a Polaroid camera to Italy during a trip, and took a bunch of pictures.  A book is recently published which contains the Polaroids he took in Russia and Italy and some of his writings.  I love this  note he wrote:

"Une image -

c'est une impression de la Vérité,

que le Seigneur

nous a permis d'entrevoir

de nos yeux aveugles."

Sorry the book I have is in French, but I think it roughly translates as:

An image -

it's an impression of the Truth

that God has permitted us to catch a glimpse of

with our blinded eyes.

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
Photo 23627
stephen, that's a great idea... and you inspired me to think of something else... you know those animation books that you have to flip through the pages quickly to see the illusion of the cartoon character moving... so instead of drawings, would be fun to do it with the iZone stickers and have ppl act out the actions... wonder if there's something like that already out there??
almost 17 years ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
I saw this and thought of you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBkmgIzW_KQ
almost 17 years ago


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