Official Artist
Kit Hui
Director , Screenwriter
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FOG in NYC - 20 July @ 6pm

New Yorkers, FOG will be screening at the AAIFF on Tuesday, 20 July, at the Clearview Chelsea Cinema, please come and support, and tell your friends to come too!  Details at:


Also, a nice review on FOG at Edinburgh Film Festival, we made it to the Top Ten list, yay!


over 14 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
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sweet! I think a bunch of the AnD guys will be over there filming something at that time. maybe they can come out to support f they have that night off.
over 14 years ago
Photo 61114
Yes we are in New York now and will be filming that day, but the scheduled times have to be confirmed. Hopefully we can be done before 6pm! Definitely want to watch this =)
over 14 years ago


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