痴lun線。。。好聽到癲。。。新加坡post-hardcore樂隊 Forests
其實 - 我地香港D重型band點解好少會去巡演呢?只係香港做隊band,香港出show,香港出碟會得到D乜嘢?真係唔明。加Maggot Colony - 蠅蛆殖民地 - 這樣可以讓多地球上重型音樂世界的人認識到台灣metal的力量!
香港樂隊們 - remember你地有咩新消息請上UniteAsia網站發個message俾我地啦!其實係好多港外的人會成日問香港D樂隊究竟做緊乜嘢!:-) 網站的能力最近都算非常好。。。especially如果你想搵多D港外的支持者!Yo Hong Kong bands - don't forget to send us whatever updates you have about your bands to UniteAsia.org! There are tons of people from outside of Hong Kong who are interested in finding out what's going on with HK bands.
BLAST THIS SHIT!!!!!!! 呢隊來自新加坡的hardcore punk樂隊好好聽啊!
Had to say goodbye to my buddy today...5 years with this thing...bands who've sat in it: Sick of it All, Comeback Kid, Terror, Backtrack, Wolf Down, Parkway Drive...not to mention bringing my daughter home for the very first time from the hospital and I was driving like 5 kmh all the way home... Bummed...getting emotional about a car...tell me I'm not alone! Hahaha...岩岩同老友要講再見。。。陪咗我五年。。。五年裡有同我一齊車咗不少樂隊: Sick of it All, Comeback Kid, Terror, Backtrack, Wolf Down, Parkway Drive...仲有 - 第一次帶我女返屋企 - 仲記得當時超緊張所以成程駕慢到仆街。。。hahahahaha...點知個人會變咁 emo :-(
我地呢個網站uniteasia.org好快就開咗一年!多謝咁多唔同人的支持!網站已經入咗去好多唔同國家的地道/地下音樂世界!估唔到咁快就會收到咁多人的共鳴!請記住加我地Instagram @uniteasia 同埋like我地Facebook.com/uniteasia 然後當然快D bookmark我地官方網站uniteasia.org 多謝大家的支持!成日發自己樂隊的消息俾我地 - 更加要多謝你地!繼續加油啦大家!We're quickly coming up to our website UniteAsia.org's 1 year anniversary! So stoked on what we've been able to accomplish in this short amount of time! Please make sure to add our Instagram @uniteasia and Facebook.com/uniteasia and make sure to bookmark our main site UniteAsia.org keep fighting the good fight! Thanks especially to all of you who ke...Read more
THANK YOU!!!! Thank you to this Hong Kong band per se - for giving us a song that we can show the WHOLE world how great Hong Kong bands can be! CHECK OUT HONG KONG indie-rock band Per Se as they launch a new single that is fucking AWESOME! 多謝呢隊本地香港樂隊Per Se發出新首歌 - 一首超級高水準的!咁樣我地好開心可以俾全地球D人聽話俾佢地知我地香港樂隊幾勁! NICE JOB!!!
10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d