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"Hardpacks shitty performance or actually my shitty performance"

OK...Ok...OK...Dued to a special program and incident that happened on saturday Kevins write up on the last eason skool tour in china will be delayed so please tune in for that later and in the mean time please try to enjoy what kevins gotta say......

Woohh....First of all I would like to thank everyone that came out and supported hardpack at the fringe and like usual its always fun seeing the AnD family along my other friends like my new zealander chinese friends Kavsta and her cwb gang,joey,jerry and goro@Zarahn,siupak,yor,Skot,adrian,don,ghoststyle,con,Jo,dean,dan,ferdie,Kwuntong brothas and sisters and anyone i missed out at the shows...I wish i couldve hung out with the AnD boys for more after the show outside but i just was too depressed and down for performing so badly that i just on stage after the show thinkin WTF happened??.....I came to a conclusion that it was dued to a lack of practise...We only jammed once b4 the show cus we had been movin band rooms and I derserved to suck...Cus i know i know we shouldve practised more.....Anyway enough of this emo negative shit cus the show must go on I promise next time will be better......On the bright side Attention to piss and staygold(from taiwan) fuckin rocked!!!.....It was so fun playin with them!....

After the show we all went out and had a few drinks cus it was a little farewell thingy for our brotha skot..1st stop was the racks( dunno if i spelt it right?) It was actually my 1st time there and my 1st time hangin with the AnD boys and mushroom head joey@zarahn after a gig oh yeah by da way Also with Andy_spain no i meant RAUL..It was awsome to see u again....Ummm...i hate to say but after a few drinks i was feelin better.....The night didnt stop until i went to club magazine and then it was only few of us like jo,skot,adrian,Kary and SP and company.....Stayed there for a while and drank a bit more until skot got to pissed so it was time to go...Gosh i havnt been out for so long..da club scene has changed a bit....

Anyway gonna practise harder with hardpack and hopefully the next gig will be better!....Oh also have been busy recordin the josie song with the help of skot,glenn and don....hopefully i can update some pics...If anyone has any pics of the show can u please send it to us?

Hope everyone has a nice week!!!......

17 年多 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares
The club scene changed right? Hahahah... We r getting old lar my friend!
17 年多 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
April 19, 2007