《Finding the Adolescence》﹐其實剛好最近正在做一個創作﹐和這部戲的一些情節有點相似﹐所以看看...日本人真的特別喜愛也擅長拍這種學生小品﹐即使沒有什麼特別亮點﹐看細節看人物還是頗愉快
《許三觀》﹐Ha Jung-woo自導自演﹐變成一部催淚倫理片﹐畢竟現在不是粵語長片時代﹐這種戲淡化時代背景﹐很難讓人投入
《Lupin the Third》﹐北村龍平用荷李活B級動作片的一套當大片拍﹐結果可想而知... 話說言承旭的英文真的...
韓片《How to Steal a Dog》﹐小情小趣的合家歡溫馨喜劇﹐女主角Kang Hye-jung真的老了﹐還記得當年在《Old Boys》的一鳴驚人
***** We need HELP for post-production of our little short film!!!! We need your help to make our DREAM comes true!!!!*****
Production of our short film "Foreign Students" is currently complete. It is a low budget Asian American short aiming for film festival exposure.Synopsis: In San Francisco, the un...Read more
It has been ages since I last blogged.
This year I have been busier than before, working on various projects. After finishing a short film earlier the year, I began writing and making another short. As of now, it is still a work in progress.
Not much to share at this point yet, as I am still working hard on it.
Anyway, wish you guys a Happy New Year and every success in 20...Read more
Don't forget your dream!