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Who hate those stupid quizzes on facebook?

Do you think those quizzes on facebook are very annoying?

I really don't see the point of taking these stupid quizzes. It is perhaps fun to take one or two, but I really don't get it when people are taking these quizzes endlessly every day, even though they all know it is plain pointless. It is just as irritating as the 古惑仔 game before.

I mean, I don't really care if you like these quizzes, and perhaps it is really funny, but I am just so tired of seeing those quiz results of my friends occupying 90% of my fb home page whenever I log on.

I have never taken any of these stupid quizzes, but I heard that you can actually choose not to send your test result to your friends, right? Honestly, I don't give a damn to any of these results and so if you are my friend and you are on facebook taking these quizzes every day, don't post your result up!! 

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares
Photo 34610
I don't hate them. I just don't like them.
almost 16 years ago
Photo 33405
I don't like the new format of the FB news feed that shows all the quizzes that your friends take. It clutters up the news feed to the point where you can't see the other stuff that I'm more interested in, such as friends' photo and status updates. My friend found a link to a page that tells you how to get rid of all the annoying quiz notifications so that you don't have to see everyone's results when you log in anymore. I just tried it yesterday and it totally works. Much better now. http://bloggy.kuneri.net/2009/03/19/how-to-removehide-annoying-facebook-quiz-notifications-and-others/
almost 16 years ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Users like me completely fuck with the mind of the FB empire. I have a local network, but then there are all these people from Asia, and I'm sending gay pics to gay friends and Leslie pics to Leslie friends and YouTube stuff featuring Hong Kong artists to other friends. Oh, did I mention my tango friends in NYC and NC? My musical choices are totally eclectic and absolutely non-mainstream (for the US). Who else would link Anthony Wong Yiu Ming and Villa-Lobos in their musical favs. Yeah, I hope their software program crashes trying to figure out what they can market to me. :-)
almost 16 years ago


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