Kenji Lui
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Love is...

What are you guys going to do on Valentine's day? I hate it, for the obvious reason...

What is love? It is such a difficult question. Let's play a game and ask yourself this question and see how much you can answer.

Let me try first. Perhaps, love is...

placing someone on top of everything;

having someone on your mind every single moment of your life;


going to movies and dinners;

when you try very hard to get it, you fail, and for some people, they get it for reasons you don't understand;

a waste of time (and money for some cases);

sweet or bittersweet;

a game;

a catalyst of your boring life;

a war;

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JD_AIz2FnNk&feature=related

well... i'll add more to the list whenever i think of something..

what else? show me your list too...

ok more later.. oh btw forgot to say, i'll be spending my time working on v.day, which is good for me i guess.

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
My husband totally isn't into Valentine's Day. Some years, I don't even get a card...and I cook him dinner. I can see that I let him get away with far too much for too many years (like 28) and now it is my own fault that Valentine's Day is like this. I didn't train him good enough. Also, he generally resists that sort of training; if he isn't into something, he won't do it just to make me happy. Yeah, I have failed miserably. I do wish, though, that he would make me feel special now and then. I would like that...a lot.
接近 16 年 ago
Paulinec 1a img 1269
Love = honesty V- Day is a funny one..
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 341408
Its wrong to love another person more than you love yourself but yet when in love, this happen. However it could be different for every individual. What is love? Love is a lot of sweetness and bittersweetness depending on the outcome of the love.
接近 16 年 ago


Don't forget your dream!


english, cantonese, mandarin
San francisco, United States
May 14, 2007