Kenji Lui
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Jun Ichikawa dies at 59 | 導演市川準突然逝世

tony takitani is one of my favorite japanese films in recent years... it is such a sad news since he was still young and active. may he rest in peace.

TOKYO, Sept. 19 (AP) - (Kyodo)—Film director Jun Ichikawa, known for directing stylish films such as "Tony Takitani," died of a brain hemorrhage early Friday at a Tokyo hospital, a film company official said. He was 59. Ichikawa, a native of Tokyo, started his career making TV commercials and debuted as a film director with his 1987 film "BU SU."In 2004, Ichikawa received the Special Prize of the Jury at the Locarno Film Festival for "Tony Takitani," adapted from a story by renowned novelist Haruki Murakami.Ichikawa was editing his latest film "buy a suit" until Thursday midnight, according to the official, who said the film will be submitted to the Tokyo International Film Festival in October.Ichikawa's other films include "Tugumi" and "Kaisha Monogatari: Memories of You."日本電影界又少了一位精英!04年憑《東尼瀧谷》奪得瑞士盧迦諾電影節審查員特別獎的導演市川準,昨日凌晨突然逝世,享年59歲。據知,其新作《buy a suit》將在下月東京國際電影節上映,前晚他完成電影編輯工作後,外出用膳時突然暈倒,被送往醫院後證實因腦出血死亡,其好友得悉後無不感愕然。雖然葬 禮等未安排,但原定下月的電影節見面會,已就嘉賓進行調整。從事廣告製作的市川準,於87年首度躋身影壇,先後得到柏林電影節國際評論家聯盟獎及蒙特利爾 世界電影節最佳導演等獎項。

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