How many christmas cards did you get this year? I mean, paper one.. this year I got about 3, which kinda broke the lowest record again.. one is from an internet service i subscribed, another two are from some work connections, none from real friends... but then the number i actually mailed out was 0...
somehow i did make a xmas jpg card and sent to about 30~40 friends, but then I only received about 3~4 replies so far (i emailed a few days before xmas...)
does it signify that people don't care much about xmas now? or that it is a sign of a losing connection at the internet age? when it is too easy for us to get something, we just don't value it anymore..
i still remember the days when i relied on mail to keep in touch with my friends in other countries, now i can't remember how long i haven't actually written a letter using a pen....
Don't forget your dream!