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Kelly Hu
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Kelly Hu on Law and Order SVU|胡凱莉出演《法律與秩序:特殊受害者》|胡凯莉出演《法律与秩序:特殊受害者》

Watch me on "Law and Order SVU" tomorrow night on NBC.  I get to be the victim this time.  Fun.


Kelly Sun (guest star Kelly Hu) is found wandering Riverside Park, beaten and raped, and has no memory of what happened. Detective Benson discovers Sun was on her way to Korea, but never boarded her flight and instead is found leaving the airport with mystery man, Eric Lutz (guest star Michael Trucco, BATTLESTAR GALACTICA).

Lutz becomes an immediate suspect, and with further probing, the detectives find amateur pornographic videos on Lutz's computer. Detectives Stabler and Benson search for incarcerating evidence against Lutz, but each of his victims from the videos suffer from memory loss from the attack.

Attempting to trace the other women in the videos, the detectives must re-inform each victim of their attack in order to get their testimony to catch Lutz. Struggling to remind each victim of their rape, Detective Benson must face the fact that she still thinks like a victim, and get the testimony of one victim in particular, Laurel Andrews (guest star Christy Pusz), to put Lutz away for good. | 明天晚上看我在NBC《法律與秩序:特殊受害者》的演出,這次我扮演受害者,好玩。


Kelly Sun(客串明星胡凱莉)被發現徘徊在湖畔公園,遭受過毆打及強姦,而且她並沒有對事件的記憶。偵探Benson發現Sun本來是出發去韓國的,可她並沒有登機,反而跟一名陌生男人Eric Lutz(客串明星Michael Trucco,太空堡壘卡拉狄加)一起離開了機場。


偵探嘗試追蹤其他出現在錄像中的女人,他們在告知每位受害人遭受攻擊的同時,得到她們的證詞才能抓到Lutz。不得不提醒每一位受害人曾遭受強姦,偵探Benson以受害人的立場思考,要得到受害者尤其是LaurelAndrews(客串明星Christy Pusz)的證言,才能將Lutz繩之以法。| 明天晚上看我在NBC《法律与秩序:特殊受害者》的演出,这次我扮演受害者,好玩。


Kelly Sun(客串明星胡凯莉)被发现徘徊在湖畔公园,遭受过殴打及强奸,而且她并没有对事件的记忆。侦探Benson发现Sun本来是出发去韩国的,可她并没有登机,反而跟一名陌生男人Eric Lutz(客串明星Michael Trucco,太空堡垒卡拉狄加)一起离开了机场。


侦探尝试追踪其他出现在录像中的女人,他们在告知每位受害人遭受攻击的同时,得到她们的证词才能抓到Lutz。不得不提醒每一位受害人曾遭受强奸,侦探Benson以受害人的立场思考,要得到受害者尤其是LaurelAndrews(客串明星Christy Pusz)的证言,才能将Lutz绳之以法。

over 16 years ago 0 likes  17 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
you go Kelly!
over 16 years ago
Photo 38067
Yay! Awesome Kelly!
over 16 years ago
Hope you have been well Kelly!!!!! Congrats on your new show!
over 16 years ago
Photo 30783
Kelly! Congrats on Law and Order! I also emailed your PR about the Reef Rescue questions I had for you. I never heard back... I'm hoping you just didnt get them yet. I have the article written pending the interview questions. my email is alfredrocks (at) gmail.com thanks!
over 16 years ago


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