Apart from receiving the full support from Queensland’s Tourism Board and a lovely group of brothers and sisters, allowing me to successfully complete my < Precious > MV and shoot the cover of my album,
I’d also like to say a heartfelt thank you to Hamilton Island for their kind assistance,
Thank you for making things a lot easier for us while we were filming there.
I also hope that if you ever get the chance, you should go to this place and personally experience the amazing attractions in the area!Karen
我還要衷心感謝Hamilton Island的幫忙,
| <宝贝>的MV及唱片封面除了得到昆士兰旅游局及一衆兄弟姐妹的大力支持得以顺利完成, 我还要衷心感谢Hamilton Island的帮忙, 谢谢他们在拍摄期间给我们很多方便, 也希望大家有机会可以去当地观光,感受它的魅力所在! Karen