Karen Mok
演员, 歌手
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"The Coffin" nails #1 Opening on Halloween | 莫文蔚主演「棺木」勇奪星加坡電影票房榜首 | 莫文蔚主演「棺木」勇奪星加坡電影票房榜首 | 莫文蔚主演「棺木」勇夺星加坡电影票房榜首

"The Coffin" nails #1 Opening on Halloween

With Halloween in the air, moviegoers in Singapore rushed out to see the new Thai horror film 'The Coffin', making it the No. 1 film at the box office on its Opening Day last Thursday - outgrossing all other films including Saw V.   Inspired by a true controversial ritual of lying in coffins to get rid of bad luck and prolong lives, the English-language film has also broken the record for Best Opening Day for all other Thai horror films previously held by 'Shutter'. Written and directed by Thai helmer Ekachai Uekrongtham (Beautiful Boxer), the Karen Mok (Shaolin Soccer) and Ananda Everingham (Shutter) starrer has earlier topped the Box Office chart in Thailand when it opened in August.   Described by Time Out Magazine as a "scream gem" and 8 Days Magazine as "a poised spine-tingler, 'The Coffin' tells a thrilling, mysterious and moving story of an architect and a dietician who decide to go through the ritual to cheat death only to be faced with a series of strange and terrifying incidents afterwards.   Shot in Thailand on actual locations including a 100-year-old temple, real cemeteries, inside active crematorium chambers and an ancient meditation cave, this Thai-HK-Singapore co-production was first presented as a project at HAF (Hong Kong Asia Film Financing Forum) where it won the Hubert Bals Fund Award of the International Film Festival Rotterdam. Produced by Live Inc. (Thailand), NGR (Thailand), Global Entertainment Group (Hong Kong) and Scorpio East Pictures (Singapore), 'The Coffin' is distrbuted in Singapore by Scorpio East Pictures, Mediacorp Raintree Pictures and Cathay-Keris Films.   'The Coffin' makes its U.S. market debut at the American Film Market today. 




新加坡,2008年11月3日。空氣中漂浮著萬聖節的氣息,電影愛好者們沖向電影院觀賞最新泰國恐怖片《棺木》,令其成為在上周四上映的首周票房榜首電影 - 打敗了《電鋸驚魂5》等其他所有影片。   靈感來自真實而有爭議的儀式,即躺在棺材中能擺脫噩運和延長生命,這部英文電影打破了另一部泰國恐怖片《鬼影》保持的首周票房紀錄。由泰國著名導演Ekachai Uekrongtham(曾導演《美麗拳王》)編劇、執導,莫文蔚(《少林足球》)和泰國八月份上映的票房榜首電影《鬼影》男主角Ananda Everingham擔綱。

Time Out雜誌評價這部電影為"尖叫的珍寶",8 Days雜誌說它是"危險的脊椎刺痛",《棺木》講述了一個令人毛骨悚然、神秘而感人的故事:一名建築師和一個營養師決定經歷這駭人儀式以逃避死亡,之後引發了一系列奇特而恐怖的事件。







新加坡,2008年11月3日。空气中漂浮着万圣节的气息,电影爱好者们冲向电影院观赏最新泰国恐怖片《棺木》,令其成为在上周四上映的首周票房榜首电影 - 打败了《电锯惊魂5》等其他所有影片。  

灵感来自真实而有争议的仪式,即躺在棺材中能摆脱噩运和延长生命,这部英文电影打破了另一部泰国恐怖片《鬼影》保持的首周票房纪录。由泰国著名导演Ekachai Uekrongtham(曾导演《美丽拳王》)编剧、执导,莫文蔚(《少林足球》)和泰国八月份上映的票房榜首电影《鬼影》男主角Ananda Everingham担纲。

Time Out杂志评价这部电影为"尖叫的珍宝",8 Days杂志说它是"危险的脊椎刺痛",《棺木》讲述了一个令人毛骨悚然、神秘而感人的故事:一名建筑师和一个营养师决定经历这骇人仪式以逃避死亡,之后引发了一系列奇特而恐怖的事件。







接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  23 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i didn't realize it was in English. cool! when is it coming to HK?!?
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 36943
Hi Karen, Congrats on the film. I am looking forward to seeing it when it comes to the US.
接近 16 年 ago



Hong Kong
September 4, 2008