(September 15) On a day where we traditionally seek the moon (also known as mid-autumn festival), I attended the “Hong Kong Army Forces Stationed in Hong Kong and Civilians Celebrate Mid Autumn Festival Event”. The duty of being stationed in Hong Kong for this group of Liberation Army Forces changes every two years and in recognition of their services, I especially took some time out today so I could attend this event at the Ngong Shuen Chau Barracks, sing a few songs for the army troopers and show my support. It was very meaningful.
(9月15日)於追月日我出席了"香港駐港部隊與民同樂慶中秋活動",由於這群駐守本港的解放軍每兩年換班一次, 為了慰勞他們, 我今天也特別抽時間出席這個於昂船洲軍營的活動,為這群軍人唱唱歌, 打打氣, 很有意義.
碰到前輩 家燕姐
嘩, 看他們多熱情
我還送出我的"拉活..."專輯給他們抽獎, 看看誰是幸運兒?| (9月15日)于追月日我出席了"香港驻港部队与民同乐庆中秋活动",由于这群驻守本港的解放军每两年换班一次, 为了慰劳他们, 我今天也特别抽时间出席这个于昂船洲军营的活动,为这群军人唱唱歌, 打打气, 很有意义.
我还送出我的"拉活..."专辑给他们抽奖, 看看谁是幸运儿?