Did you come to my perfume autographing session in Taipei last Thursday?
I know that my Taiwan friends have been very enthusiastic about my
perfume so I especially arranged this perfume autographing trip to
Taiwan because I wanted to personally thank everyone for their love and
The perfume sold very well, and your responses at the venue were very passionate and enthusiastic. Absolutely overjoyed!
I am deeply grateful to every fan who came to the event. I also hope that everyone will continue to support my perfumes because at the moment if you buy my perfume in Taiwan, 10% of the profit from every bottle sold will be donated towards the Child Welfare League Foundation as charitable funds. So not only will you be buying my perfume, you’ll also be helping other people as well; achieving two things as once!
To all the friends who haven’t bought my perfume yet, you have to support it!
If you’re female; it doesn’t matter if you have a boyfriend or if you’re married; after you’ve sprayed on my perfume, you’ll immediately smell fragrant and lovely. I guarantee that your other half will love you even more!
But if you happen to be single, then you have even more reason to buy my perfume because after you spray it on, I can guarantee that it will definitely increase your charm and attractiveness. You never know, you might be able to find your Mr. Right this Christmas.
If you’re male and you already have a partner, you can still buy my perfume as a gift for your wife/girlfriend. I’m sure that you wife will definitely love you for it.
If you’re still single but have someone in mind that you fancy, why not buy my perfume as a Christmas present and use it to help express your love and intensions. Girls will think that you have very good taste with the selection you made!...Ha ha…
I look forward to seeing you all again next time! | 上星期四台北的香水簽香會, 你們有沒有來到呢?
知道台灣的朋友對我的香水反應熱烈, 這一次台灣簽香會之旅, 是我特意安排的,因為我一定要親自謝謝大家對我的愛.
香水賣得很好, 又看見你們現場每一個反應這麼熱烈, 真的超開心啊!
感謝每一個來到粉絲. 希望大家能夠繼續支持我的香水. 因為現在在台灣購買我的香水,每賣出一瓶將撥捐10%金額給兒童福利聯盟作為慈善基金,幫助到別人又可以買到我的香水,真的是一舉兩得!
還沒有購買的朋友. 你們一定要支持啊!
如果你是女生, 無論你是有男朋友或已經結婚, 那麼你們噴完我的香水之後, 馬上就會變得香噴噴, 保證你的另一半會更愛你呢!
但如果你是單身, 更加要買我的香水了, 因為噴完之後, 保証你們一定可以增加不少個人魅力, 說不定可以於今個聖誕前就找到你的Mr. Right.
如果已經有另一半的男生都可以買我的香水給你老婆/女朋友作禮物, 那你老婆一定愛死你了.
還未結婚但是有心意的對象的你, 不妨買我的香水做聖誕禮物, 幫你表示愛意. 女生們一定會覺得你的選擇很有品味呢!. 哈哈..
| 上星期四台北的香水簽香會, 你們有沒有來到呢?
知道台灣的朋友對我的香水反應熱烈, 這一次台灣簽香會之旅, 是我特意安排的,因為我一定要親自謝謝大家對我的愛.
香水賣得很好, 又看見你們現場每一個反應這麼熱烈, 真的超開心啊!
感謝每一個來到粉絲. 希望大家能夠繼續支持我的香水. 因為現在在台灣購買我的香水,每賣出一瓶將撥捐10%金額給兒童福利聯盟作為慈善基金,幫助到別人又可以買到我的香水,真的是一舉兩得!
還沒有購買的朋友. 你們一定要支持啊!
如果你是女生, 無論你是有男朋友或已經結婚, 那麼你們噴完我的香水之後, 馬上就會變得香噴噴, 保證你的另一半會更愛你呢!
但如果你是單身, 更加要買我的香水了, 因為噴完之後, 保証你們一定可以增加不少個人魅力, 說不定可以於今個聖誕前就找到你的Mr. Right.
如果已經有另一半的男生都可以買我的香水給你老婆/女朋友作禮物, 那你老婆一定愛死你了.
還未結婚但是有心意的對象的你, 不妨買我的香水做聖誕禮物, 幫你表示愛意. 女生們一定會覺得你的選擇很有品味呢!. 哈哈..