I feel so excited today because I was told that the sales for the perfume I just released in Taiwan has been extremely amazing. It's only been on sale for three weeks and it’s already sold out! I have to say a very heartfelt thank you to every friend who bought my perfume. I love you all to death. I'm going to Taiwan on the 4th of December to meet with everybody! So Taiwan fans, are you ready?
Have you downloaded the latest advertisement poster for my perfume yet? If you haven't, then you quickly need to go here and download it:http://www.karenmokfragrance.com/ | 今日心情真的超級興奮,因為聽說我剛推出的香水於台灣銷售情況非常厲害.上市三周已經被搶購一空了!在此真的要感謝每一位買了我香水的朋友.愛死你們了.
prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /
http://www.karenmokfragrance.com/tc/download了.prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" / | 今日心情真的超级兴奋,因为听说我刚推出的香水于台湾销售情况非常厉害.上市三周已经被抢购一空了!在此真的要感谢每一位买了我香水的朋友.爱死你们了. 十二月四日我会去台湾跟大家见面啊!台湾的粉丝们,你们准备好没有? 你们有没有download我最新的香水桌布呢?如何没有,你们就要快到 http://www.karenmokfragrance.com/sc/download了.