Official Artist
Karen Mok
Actor , Singer
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November updates | 十一月最新消息 | 十一月最新消息

My first personal perfume brand - "Karen Mok the Fragrance" is now in town! You'll find it in department stores or cosmetic stores! My body lotion and shower lotion will be launched in December. We'll have a special Christmas gift pack by then, so we need your support!

"Karen Mok the Fragrance"'s next stops are Singapore and Malaysia, so don't miss it, local fans! 

In addition, the box office top movie in Thailand "Coffin" has been released in Singapore and Malaysia, so check it out if you haven't watched it! | 莫文蔚首支個人品牌香水Karen Mok the fragrance現已全城熱賣中!於百貨公司及連鎖化妝品店均有代售!而護膚液及沐浴露相繼在十二月面世,屆時將會有一個聖誕節特別版禮盒推出,希望大家多多支持!而Karen Mok the fragrance下一站將會在星加坡及馬來西亞登陸,當地的忠實粉絲們一定要注意了!另外在泰國成為首周電影票房榜首的電影「棺木」(Coffin)亦已在星、馬正式上映了,還沒看的朋友們記得要去捧場!| 莫文蔚首支个人品牌香水Karen Mok the fragrance现已全城热卖中!于百货公司及连锁化妆品店均有代售!而护肤液及沐浴露相继在十二月面世,届时将会有一个圣诞节特别版礼盒推出,希望大家多多支持! 

而Karen Mok the fragrance下一站将会在星加坡及马来西亚登陆,当地的忠实粉丝们一定要注意了! 


almost 16 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares
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i can't wait to see Coffin! Andrew is dead, not alive!
almost 16 years ago


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