Karen Mok
演员, 歌手
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My perfume sales experience | 香水售貨員初體驗 | 香水售货员初体验

Back on October 11th, I was in Hong Kong and I attended an event. After that finished, I had some spare time so I went to one of the large department stores that was selling my perfume. It was the first day my perfume officially went on sale and I wanted to buy myself a bottle first, as a token of good luck. But I never thought that my appearance would cause a bit of a disturbance! I think everyone already knows that I just launched a perfume named after myself. Lately, I’ve been constantly receiving phone calls from my friends, asking if I could help them reserve a bottle because they want to use it as a Christmas gift. I think their suggestion is really good; everybody should give this idea some consideration! (Ha ha ha, I feel a little embarrassed for promoting my own product~!)

 That day when I went into the perfume section of the department store, people didn’t really notice me at first but then I found that a lot of people were stopping and taking a second look. I also heard them frequently praise how beautiful my commercial was, how the design of the bottle was very creative, and making comments on other related things. As a result, I didn’t think about my own safety and transformed into a sales rep, grabbed the tester bottle and gave them a sample so they could personally experience the unique fragrance of the perfume. After they smelt the sample, you could see an unintentional yet satisfied smile on their face. I actually didn’t realize until I raised my head that the person “serving” them was me! They were also very surprised and noticeably excited, saying that they never expected to meet me. Without saying another word, they immediately purchased my perfume and took hold of the opportunity to get my autograph as well as take photos with me. I also brought along my good friend “Billy” to share my happy moments and I immediately helped him take some photos!

 I only stayed for a short 10mins but miraculously, reporters still managed to make it to the scene. On top of that, the crowd of bystanders started to get bigger and bigger; there were close to a hundred people gathered around and it became impossible to move through the department store! I didn’t want to cause a chaotic scene so the department store security staff stepped in to help keep everything in order and also escort me away. Under these circumstances, I guess the best thing for me to do was to give up my job as a “sales rep”! But I’ll still make random visits to other stores around Hong Kong in the future. You can all give your luck a try and see if you’ll bump into me~ | 十月十一號那天在香港出席完一項活動,剛好有空檔就跑到有我的香水售賣的大型百貨公司,這是第一天正式在香港公開發售,想說自己先來買一瓶,拿個好意頭,沒想到我的出現卻引來一陣小騷動!

我想大家都知道我剛剛推出了一瓶以我名字為名的香水,最近不斷收到很多朋友來電問我可不可以幫他們訂購,說想用來作為耶誕節的禮物,他們這個提議真好,大家也不妨多參考參考!(哈哈哈,自我推銷的手法讓我覺得有點害羞呢 ~!)


我只是短短逗留了十分鐘,那些神通廣大的記者又及時出現,加上圍觀的群眾越來越多,人數接近一百人,導致商場內水泄不通!為了不引起混亂,百貨公司的保安人員就立刻前來維持秩序並帶我離開,在這個情況下我只好放棄繼續當“售貨員”了!不過我之後也會不定期的走遍全港的銷售點,大家可以碰碰運氣,看看會不會碰到我了 ~| 十月十一号那天在香港出席完一项活动,刚好有空档就跑到有我的香水售卖的大型百货公司,这是第一天正式在香港公开发售,想说自己先来买一瓶,拿个好意头,没想到我的出现却引来一阵小骚动!

我想大家都知道我刚刚推出了一瓶以我名字为名的香水,最近不断收到很多朋友来电问我可不可以帮他们订购,说想用来作为耶诞节的礼物,他们这个提议真好,大家也不妨多参考参考! (哈哈哈,自我推销的手法让我觉得有点害羞呢~!)



16 年多 前 0 赞s  26 评论s  0 shares
Photo 290347
If you need to make a skincare line let me know ...
16 年多 ago
Photo 23833
its so good, i am wearing it today!
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
thanks for taking the time to update us!
16 年多 ago
Photo 50475
I watched that on TV and it was a brave and good move for Hong Kong celebrity. Why hide away from the public, release yourself. Well done and good luck on the 香水 sale.
16 年多 ago
Photo 50475
I watched that on TV and it was a brave and good move for Hong Kong celebrity. Why hide away from the public, release yourself. Well done and good luck on the 香水 sale.
16 年多 ago



Hong Kong
September 4, 2008