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Karen Mok
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Karen Mok's fragrance wedding | 莫文蔚的「香水婚禮」| 莫文蔚的「香水婚礼」

My fragrance is finally out! This press conference made me really nervous, I couldn't sleep very well for the nights before hand. After all, its kinda nerve-wracking to have such a grand press conference in Hong Kong! I was nervous and excited, it almost felt like a girl at her last bachelorette night, waiting to enter her marriage! At the end, it went smooth with everybody's hard work.  I was at the salon early that night to get my hair and make up done, then dressed in this corset I got from Europe, along with this fishnet stocking and platform shoes with lace, and I put the one who put this style together! This is mainly to fit with the fishnet stocking design on today's main character "KAREN MOK The Fragrance", everyone wants to give their best to this concept! '

After getting ready, me, the "bride" headed out to the venue, we picked this restaurant that was previously an historical site. Every corner of the venue smells likeKAREN MOK The Fragrance with our staffs' hard work on spraying it all over plus having the fans blowing the breeze around. All our guests were given a ribbon sprayed with fragrance on, to make sure the whole place would be filled with the smell. I made my entrance with four very cute and beautiful young girl, then to announce the release of my fragrance! The ceremony was like having the newly weds walk out from the church after signing the papers, while my groom is known asKAREN MOK The Fragrance! Hahahaaa..... After a few interviews with the magazines, newspaper and media stations, it was time to get ready for the party at night! I invited a lot of friends and people who've helped me through out the process to share my happiness.

First, I would like to say thanks to my family for their support, especially to my mom and my brother, they've done a lot for me! And of course I got to thank our fragrance manufacturer, the PR company, and my co-worker as well, thank you!'


Allow me to say thanks to Uncle Willie, who spared time to show up at my party to congratulate me, even when he has a very important dinner to attend later that night.To make it possible to launch the  "Karen Mok official website" on the same day, my buddies from "alivenotdead" had helped me with the many changes made on the design and the content of my site, to make it the best we can,  I really want to thank them from the bottom of my heart.


This special "wedding" was a memorable one, I hope you could all share my happiness. And I wish my second product will come up soon, let's have another unique party then! | 我的香水終於面世了!我為了這次的記者發佈會緊張不已,在之前的好幾天都睡不著覺!因為畢竟在香港召開這麼隆重的記者會,真的蠻大壓力的!我的心情既緊張又興奮,就好像是一個“待嫁姑娘”一樣,準備要出嫁一樣!最後在大家的幫忙下一切都非常順利的完成。

  那天一大早我就到了 salon讓化妝師及髮型師幫我悉心裝扮,再穿上我特地為這次而在歐洲搜購回來的束身衣,配上魚網絲襪及喱士高跟鞋,這都是由我自己親自配搭的哦!主要是為了配合今天真正的主角「 KAREN MOK The Fragrance」的魚網絲襪線條的設計,大家都為了這個概念希望能做到最好!             


整裝待發後我這位“新娘子”就到了工作人員用心佈置的場地,我們這次選了一個香港古跡被改建成一家半露天的西餐廳進行,工作人員非常花心思地在場地內噴滿香水,加上風扇的吹動著,讓場地充滿著 KAREN MOK The Fragrance的味道,還有進場的每一位來賓都有一條噴滿香水味的絲帶讓他們繫在手上,務求讓香氣滿溢所有地方。到我出場的時候,由四位非常可愛及美麗的小女孩引領我出場,然後正式為向全世界公告香水正式誕生了!儀式就像是一對新人註冊結婚走進教堂一樣,而我的另一半當然就是 KAREN MOK The Fragrance了!哈哈哈哈哈 ......經過了多個雜誌、報章及電視臺的訪問後,我又要準備晚上的party了!這晚特地請來很多好朋友及幫助過我的人來分享我的喜悅在。


                                                                                                     這邊我要特別感謝 Uncle Willie在百忙之中抽空出席,就算有很重要的晚宴要進行也先特地過來給我祝賀!

還有為了配合在十月九日同步面世的「莫文蔚官方網頁」而連日努力的「 alive not dead」的一群兄弟姐妹,他們都為了我的網頁設計及內容而做了多次改動,務求做到最完美又漂亮的網頁出來,真的衷心謝謝他們!


這個特別的“婚禮”真的給我留下了一個深刻的記憶,希望你們也感受到我的喜悅,希望很快我會有第二個個人商品面世,到時候再來一次別開生面的 party吧!| 我的香水终于面世了!我为了这次的记者发佈会紧张不已,在之前的好几天都睡不着觉!因为毕竟在香港召开这麽隆重的记者会,真的蛮大压力的!我的心情既紧张又兴奋,就好像是一个“待嫁姑娘”一样,准备要出嫁一样!最后在大家的帮忙下一切都非常顺利的完成。   那天一大早我就到了 salon让化妆师及髮型师帮我悉心装扮,再穿上我特地为这次而在欧洲搜购回来的束身衣,配上鱼网丝袜及喱士高跟鞋,这都是由我自己亲自配搭的哦!主要是为了配合今天真正的主角「 KAREN MOK The Fragrance」的鱼网丝袜线条的设计,大家都为了这个概念希望能做到最好!                整装待发后我这位“新娘子”就到了工作人员用心佈置的场地,我们这次选了一个香港古迹被改建成一家半露天的西餐厅进行,工作人员非常花心思地在场地内喷满香水,加上风扇的吹动着,让场地充满着 KAREN MOK The Fragrance的味道,还有进场的每一位来宾都有一条喷满香水味的丝带让他们繫在手上,务求让香气满溢所有地方。到我出场的时候,由四位非常可爱及美丽的小女孩引领我出场,然后正式为向全世界公告香水正式诞生了!仪式就像是一对新人注册结婚走进教堂一样,而我的另一半当然就是 KAREN MOK The Fragrance了!哈哈哈哈哈 ......经过了多个杂志、报章及电视台的访问后,我又要准备晚上的party了!这晚特地请来很多好朋友及帮助过我的人来分享我的喜悦在。 最重要感谢我家人对我的支持,尤其是我的妈妈及哥哥,他们为了我真的付出很多!当然也少不了香水製造商,公关公司及一群工作伙伴的努力,谢谢你们!                                                                                                      这边我要特别感谢 Uncle Willie在百忙之中抽空出席,就算有很重要的晚宴要进行也先特地过来给我祝贺! 还有为了配合在十月九日同步面世的「莫文蔚官方网页」而连日努力的「 alive not dead」的一群兄弟姐妹,他们都为了我的网页设计及内容而做了多次改动,务求做到最 完美又漂亮的网页出来,真的衷心谢谢他们!               这个特别的“婚礼”真的给我留下了一个深刻的记忆,希望你们也感受到我的喜悦,希望很快我会有第二个个人商品面世,到时候再来一次别开生面的 party吧!

over 16 years ago 0 likes  47 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, looks like a great event! I want to go to the next one! congrats again on the launch!
over 16 years ago
Zhouxiaofei 88 zhouxiaofei
Congratulations !
over 16 years ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
ah ... if only someone had mentioned this was happening ....
over 16 years ago
13244619 10154160689249104 9129655007072933202 n
我对香水不是很了解~ 不过还是支持你 马来西亚有卖吗?
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i heard that Boon Khoo means 'Soulmate' in Thai....
over 16 years ago
Photo 23833
it was great! thanks for inviting and LOVE the perfume :D
over 16 years ago
Photo 33405
Congrats!! :)
over 16 years ago
Photo 22991
you're looking pretty. very daring to wear the corset
over 16 years ago


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