Official Artist
Karen Mok
Actor , Singer
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Karen Mok Takes on the Role as the Only Guest Performer, Performing in the Presence of Former US President|莫文蔚擔任唯一表演嘉賓 在美國前總統前演出|莫文蔚担任唯一表演嘉宾 在美国前总统前演出

On the evening of December the 2nd, Karen will attend the first CGI Asia Meeting held by former US President, Bill Clinton, taking on the responsibility as the only guest performer during the evening gala dinner. Continuing from her performances at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games opening and closing ceremonies, Karen will once again perform in front of many influential political leaders and business representatives from around the world. On the night, she will sing her well known Mandarin song, “Overcast” (Yin Tian) and the classic English song, “Close to You”.

This is the first time for the meeting to be held outside USA, and the topics for discussion during the meeting will mainly focus on global concerns for people’s livelihoods and environmental issues. As a Hong Kong citizen, Karen feels deeply honored to be the only guest performer representative! In fact when Karen was young, she was a member of the Hong Kong Youth Chinese Orchestra and was fortunate enough to perform the guzheng in front of the Queen. But this time she has to perform on stage alone. And although she feels a little nervous, she will definitely make an all-out effort, doing her best to ensure that Bill Clinton has a deep and lasting impression of Hong Kong! |  

於十二月二日晚上她將會出席由美國前總統克林頓為首召開的 CGI Asia Meeting,擔任晚上 gala dinner的唯一表演嘉賓,這次是繼 2008京奧開幕及閉幕禮後, Karen再次在全球各地眾多政要人物及團體代表前表演。當晚將演唱她的首本名曲國語歌“陰天”及經典英文歌“ Close To You”。


這次會議是首次在美國以外的地方舉行,會議討論的內容大概以關注全球的民生及環保問題為主。作為香港人的 Karen也深感榮幸能成為唯一一位表演嘉賓代表!其實 Karen在小時候參加香港青年中樂團,已經有幸在英女皇前表演過彈奏古箏,但這次要一個人在台上表演,雖然有點緊張,但她一定會全力以赴,務求讓克林頓對香港有深刻的印象!| 于十二月二日晚上她将会出席由美国前总统克林顿为首召开的CGI Asia Meeting,担任晚上gala dinner的唯一表演嘉宾,这次是继2008京奥开幕及闭幕礼后,Karen再次在全球各地众多政要人物及团体代表前表演。当晚将演唱她的首本名曲国语歌“阴天”及经典英文歌“Close To You”。


over 16 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
Img 4957
congrats! goooood job :D
over 16 years ago


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