Official Artist
Karen Mok
Actor , Singer
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Karen Mok Performs as a Special Guest at the Beijing Traffic Control Bureau Spring Festival Event|莫文蔚擔任北京市公安交警局春晚嘉賓|莫文蔚担任北京市公安交警局春晚嘉宾

Recently, Karen has been non-stop travelling between Hong Kong and China. Apart from doing promotional work in Hong Kong for her latest album that has just been released, last week she received an invitation from the Beijing Traffic Control Bureau to be a guest performer at the Cultural Spring Festival Event, and was asked to sing “Love is on the Road”, a song dedicated to the Traffic Bureau, and will be broadcast on Beijing Television. Karen looked stunning for the evening event and performed alongside many dancers on the stage, hoping to use lively celebrations to entertain the hardworking officers.

In a busy and thriving city like Beijing, the traffic flow throughout the city is truly very big. As the capital of China, being able to maintain smooth traffic flow and to ensure traffic safety is honestly very difficult. Because of this, Karen greatly admires these lifesaving traffic officers who spend every day on the road making sure that traffic flows in an orderly fashion. As a tribute to these officers, Karen agreed to perform at this event without any hesitation and sang two songs to the traffic officers. Many top notch singers were also present at the event, such as Jackie Chan, Han Hong and Song Zu Ying.

On Saturday evening (January 23rd), Karen will once again travel to Beijing to participate in Qi Qin’s concert as a guest performer. Among the tracks of Karen’s newly released album, there is a rendition of a song by Karen that was originally sung by Qi Qing, “The World Outside” (Wai Mian De Shi Jie). Xiao Ge (Qi Qing’s nickname) has expressed his satisfaction with Karen’s new version of the song. They both met many years ago and have personally kept in contact with each other over the phone. They’ve even performed together before; they sang a duet together during the 2004 Spring Festival Gala Event for CCTV. At the time, their performance received a very warm response and even now, many fans still have lasting impressions of their wonderful performance. So this time, Xiao Qi especially invited Karen to perform as a guest, hoping to give the audience another unforgettable performance. 




| Karen莫文蔚最近中港兩地不停跑,除了為剛剛推出的唱片在香港做宣傳工作之外,上星期更獲得北京市公安交管局的邀請,成為北京中央電視臺為公交局製作的 <愛在路上

春節文藝晚會的錄影擔任表演嘉賓,當晚 Karen悉心打扮,連同幾十名舞蹈演員一起在臺上表演,希望可以藉著表演助慶去慰勞一群勞苦功高的公安們。 prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /


其實在繁忙的北京市區內交通流量真的很大,身為中國的首都能夠維持暢通又安全的交通狀況真的很不容易,所以 Karen都很配服這些為市民效命的公安交警,每天都在道路上維持秩序,為了向他們致敬,對這一次的表演她決對是義不容辭的,向在場的交警們獻唱兩首歌曲,而同場的表演嘉賓更包括成龍大哥,韓紅及宋祖英等頂尖歌手。


星期六 (1月 23日 )晚上 Karen也將會再次去北京參加齊秦的演唱會擔任嘉賓, Karen剛推出的翻唱專輯內有翻唱到齊秦的首本名曲 <外面的世界

,小哥 (齊秦的昵稱 )對她的重新演繹非常滿意,他們早在多年前已經認識,彼此私底下會經常通電話聯絡。而他們也曾經在 2004年央視的春節晚會上一起合唱過這首歌,當時得到很大的迴響,直到現在還有很多歌迷對那次的演出留下非常深刻的印象,所以小哥這次特別邀請了 Karen來擔任嘉賓,希望再次能帶給觀眾一個更加難忘的演出。





| Karen莫文蔚最近中港两地不停跑,除了为刚刚推出的唱片在香港做宣传工作之外,上星期更获得北京市公安交管局的邀请,成为北京中央电视台为公交局製作的 <爱在路上

春节文艺晚会的录影担任表演嘉宾,当晚 Karen悉心打扮,连同几十名舞蹈演员一起在台上表演,希望可以藉着表演助庆去慰劳一群劳苦功高的公安们。   其实在繁忙的北京市区内交通流量真的很大,身为中国的首都能够维持畅通又安全的交通状况真的很不容易,所以 Karen都很配服这些为市民效命的公安交警,每天都在道路上维持秩序,为了向他们致敬,对这一次的表演她决对是义不容辞的,向在场的交警们献唱两首歌曲,而同场的表演嘉宾更包括成龙大哥,韩红及宋祖英等顶尖歌手。   星期六 (1月 23日 )晚上 Karen也将会再次去北京参加齐秦的演唱会担任嘉宾, Karen刚推出的翻唱专辑内有翻唱到齐秦的首本名曲 <外面的世界 ,小哥 (齐秦的昵称 )对她的重新演绎非常满意,他们早在多年前已经认识,彼此私底下会经常通电话联络。而他们也曾经在 2004年央视的春节晚会上一起合唱过这首歌,当时得到很大的迴响,直到现在还有很多歌迷对那次的演出留下非常深刻的印象,所以小哥这次特别邀请了 Karen来担任嘉宾,希望再次能带给观众一个更加难忘的演出。        

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over 14 years ago


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