Karen Mok
演员, 歌手
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Everyone help support creativity!|大家一定要繼續支持創作|大家一定要继续支持创作

This recent Saturday night, I received an invitation by the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong (CASH) to attend their 20th Songwriting Contest as both a guest performer and a judge. I'm so gratified to help take part because I'm part of the group of songwriter/singers. Some time ago, I spend more than a year writing and producing the songs for my album  "L!VE is... Karen Mok" to get recognition amongst my peers that I want to continue to pursue a creative path. All of the contestants in this competition had a similar motivation: They could display their creativity during the competition and now they've really shown off their hard work for everyone to see!

All of the contestants were pretty good, but I just wanted to highlight a young girl's most inspiring work. 李家怡 (Ms. Lei) is still a high school student, but her performance and singing skills are really of top-level, so if she continues on this path, her future is really limitless!

I also had the rare opportunity to bump into頋嘉煇 (Mr. Gu) tonight, Mr. Gu has undoubtedly made immense contribution to the Hong Kong music scene. Ever since I was little, I've heard countless amount of his work. Tonight was really special, as he came from Canada to Hong Kong to preside over the event, of course, I presented my  "L!VE IS... Karen Mok" to him as a gift, hoping that the expert would share some thoughts and advice on my album. Mr. Gu said that he will listen to it carefully when he returns home. Therefore, I just want to let everyone know that, if you are interested in exploring the creative field,  be persistent in your believes, one day, one day, someone will see the efforts you’ve  made!

| 剛剛的星期六晚上受到香港作曲家及作詞家協會的邀請 ,成為第二十屆 CASH流行曲創作大賽的表演嘉賓及評判之一,我真的感到很高興,因為他們邀請我作為評判的原因是我是一位出色的「唱作歌手」!我之前花了一年多時間包辦創作及監製的唱片“拉活 ...”受到業內人士的肯定使我更堅持創作的路!就好像這次的所有參賽者一樣,他們的創作能夠公開的進行比賽就已經代表他們的努力是有人看得見的!


這晚還非常的難得能碰見香港樂壇的殿堂級作曲家頋嘉煇先生,煇哥為香港樂壇所付出的努力真的不容置疑,我從小聽過他的作品真的是多不勝數,而今晚他真的十分有心,特地從加拿大回港當主席評判,而我這位小後輩更送上我的“拉活 ...”專輯,想能得到這位前輩的指教及意見,煇哥表示一定回家仔細的聽。所以我想跟大家說,如果有意在創作的方向發展的話,一定要堅持自己的理念,總有一天會有人看得到的!

| 刚刚的星期六晚上受到香港作曲家及作词家协会的邀请,成为第二十届CASH流行曲创作大赛的表演嘉宾及评判之一,我真的感到很高兴,因为他们邀请我作为评 判的原因是我是一位出色的「唱作歌手」!我之前花了一年多时间包办创作及监制的唱片“拉活...”受到业内人士的肯定使我更坚持创作的路!就好像这次的所 有参赛者一样,他们的创作能够公开的进行比赛就已经代表他们的努力是有人看得见的!



这晚还非常的难得能碰见香港乐坛的殿堂级作曲家頋嘉辉先生,辉哥为香港乐坛所付出的努力真的不容置疑,我从小听过他的作品真的是多不胜数,而今晚他真的十 分有心,特地从加拿大回港当主席评判,而我这位小后辈更送上我的“拉活...”专辑,想能得到这位前辈的指教及意见,辉哥表示一定回家仔细的听。所以我想 跟大家说,如果有意在创作的方向发展的话,一定要坚持自己的理念,总有一天会有人看得到的!

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Hong Kong
September 4, 2008