Karen Mok
演员, 歌手
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December is Coming|十二月快到了

It’s nearly December, which also means that Christmas is coming soon.

Have you prepared anything for Christmas yet? I couldn’t wait and I’ve already taken out my Christmas tree at home! Christmas is a season that I look forward to the most each year because for an entire month, everywhere is filled with the happy and festive Christmas atmosphere.

I also started putting up the Christmas decorations with my colleagues today; we’re getting ready to welcome in December.

At the moment, there’s a huge Christmas tree at the entrance of our office, so the first thing that my colleagues see each day when they come into work is this tree and I hope this makes them happy. Look, the Christmas tree is even taller than me!

Christmas is a universally celebrated holiday and of course I want to share this experience with my fans. Right now I’m working with my colleagues and putting together some fun games for everyone to play with. I’ll post an announcement about the details soon so stay tuned and keep an eye out on my blog![](http://www.alivenotdead.com/attachments/2008/11/208570_200811271621031.thumb.jpg)

Every year when I decorate Christmas trees, I’d always slowly put the tree together myself and then add on lots of Christmas decorations. Looking at it now gives me a great sense of satisfaction. I even put my most loved Billy toy on the tree. Can you see it?

  | 快踏入十二月 ,即是代表聖誕節也快到了 .

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你們有沒有準備什麼來迎接聖誕節呢 ?我已經逼不及待把我家中的聖誕樹拿出來了!聖誕節是我每年最期待的節日 ,因為整整一個月到處也洋溢著聖誕節的開心氣氛 .



今天我跟公司的同事們也開始聖誕的佈置 ,準備迎接十二月的來臨 .

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現在公司門口有一座很大的聖誕樹 ,希望同事們每天一踏進公司看見它都會開開心心 .你看聖誕樹比我還要高呢 !



聖誕節這個普天同慶的日子 ,當然也希望和我的粉絲們一齊分享啦 ,我正在跟公司同事們構思一些小遊戲跟大家玩 ,大家密切留意我在博客將會公佈有關的詳情呢!

每年佈置聖誕樹我都會親自把它慢慢地築起來 ,再加上很多裝飾品,現在看起來真的很有滿足感 .我還將我心愛的比利公仔放在樹上 ,大家有看到嗎 ?

 | 快踏入十二月 ,即是代表圣诞节也快到了 .   你们有没有准备什麽来迎接圣诞节呢 ?我已经逼不及待把我家中的圣诞树拿出来了!圣诞节是我每年最期待的节日 ,因为整整一个月到处也洋溢着圣诞节的开心气氛 .     今天我跟公司的同事们也开始圣诞的佈置 ,准备迎接十二月的来临 .

现在公司门口有一座很大的圣诞树 ,希望同事们每天一踏进公司看见它都会开开心心 .你看圣诞树比我还要高呢 !     圣诞节这个普天同庆的日子 ,当然也希望和我的粉丝们一齐分享啦 ,我正在跟公司同事们构思一些小游戏跟大家玩 ,大家密切留意我在博客将会公佈有关的详情呢!

每年佈置圣诞树我都会亲自把它慢慢地筑起来 ,再加上很多装饰品,现在看起来真的很有满足感 .我还将我心爱的比利公仔放在树上 ,大家有看到吗 ?  

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Hong Kong
September 4, 2008