Official Artist
Karen Mok
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Baby Mok|莫寶寶|莫宝宝

To all of my Mok fans, ha ha, I have some wonderful news to tell you.

We have a new addition to our family of Karen Mok fans and I think that she is definitely our youngest member because she’s only 5 days old!

I only just found out from reading my fans message board that one of my fans whose beensupporting me for many years recently had a baby. I actually saw her last week when I was in Shanghai for work and her tummy was still very big. It wasn’t that long ago and now she’s become a mother already. I’m very happy for her.

Her little baby actually has other significant meanings to me because from what I’ve heard from my fans, she and her husband met through their common love of listening to my music. Then not long after developing their relationship, they got married. I even personally autographed their marriage certificate!

I’m so happy that my music is able to act as a witness of your love for each other, and it’s also given me greater motivation to produce even more and even better music for everyone. Now my fans have made a unique and beautiful creation from their love as well; it’s definitely something worth celebrating. Hopefully next time, I’ll have the chance to meet little baby Mok!

If you’d like to see some photos of baby Mok, please take a moment and visit my fan’s blog:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4d81716f0100bzef.html

I wonder when baby Mok will know how to sing my songs? Hee hee Remember to leave me more messages. I will definitely read them whenever I have time.| 各位莫迷 , 哈哈 , 我有一個好消息要告訴大家呀 .

就是我們莫迷家族多了一個新成員 , 相信她一定會是年紀最少的成員 .

因為她出生只有五天啊 !


剛剛從粉絲的留言區中得知 , 有一個跟隨我已經多年的粉絲剛生了一個小孩 , 上個月在上海工作時還看見她腹大便便 , 轉眼間 , 她已經當了媽媽 , 很替她開心 .


她的小寶寶對我來說真的別具意義 . 因為我的粉絲告訴我 , 她跟老公相識是因為他們都愛聽我的音樂 , 相戀後不久便結婚 , 我還親筆在他們結婚證書上簽名呢 !


原來我的音樂能夠見證你們的愛情 , 真的太開心了 , 而且帶給我更大動力去製作更多更好的音樂給大家 . 現在我的粉絲還有愛情結晶品呢 , 真的可喜可賀 . 希望下一次有機會跟這位莫寶寶見面吧 !


如果大家想看莫寶寶的照片 , 麻煩要到我粉絲的 blog一趟了 .



不知道什麼時候莫寶寶才懂得唱我的歌呢 ?嘻嘻 .


你們要多些留言給我 , 當我有空的時候我一定會看的.

 | 各位莫迷 , 哈哈 , 我有一个好消息要告诉大家呀 .就是我们莫迷家族多了一个新成员 , 相信她一定会是年纪最少的成员 .因为她出生只有五天啊 !刚刚从粉丝的留言区中得知 , 有一个跟随我已经多年的粉丝刚生了一个小孩 , 上个月在上海工作时还看见她腹大便便 , 转眼间 , 她已经当了妈妈 , 很替她开心 .她的小宝宝对我来说真的别具意义 . 因为我的粉丝告诉我 , 她跟老公相识是因为他们都爱听我的音乐 , 相恋后不久便结婚 , 我还亲笔在他们结婚证书上签名呢 !原来我的音乐能够见证你们的爱情 , 真的太开心了 , 而且带给我更大动力去製作更多更好的音乐给大家 . 现在我的粉丝还有爱情结晶品呢 , 真的可喜可贺 . 希望下一次有机会跟这位莫宝宝见面吧 !如果大家想看莫宝宝的照片 , 麻烦要到我粉丝的 blog一趟了 .http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4d81716f0100bzef.html不知道什麽时候莫宝宝才懂得唱我的歌呢 ?嘻嘻 .你们要多些留言给我 , 当我有空的时候我一定会看的.

about 16 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares


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September 4, 2008
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