Official Artist
Kallusive Clothing
Fashion / Costume Designer
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Bowling with Ron Artest

Being the obvious Laker fan, I am super excited to welcome NBA bad boy Ron Artest to LA! Last week, we found out that our friend David happened to be one of the lucky winners of Artest's Twitter contest, and got to go bowling with him this weekend. Little did we know of Artest's love of Kallusive. Upon finding this out, he requested that we bring him some of the new gear recently released. Artest turns out to be one of the nicest guys in town. He even bought pizza and drinks for the rest of a bowling alley full of kids! Welcome to the City of Angels my friend!

Good thing we make shirts this big!

Check this video David took, and listen in around 3 min to catch the special shoutout


Thanks David for dropping that stuff off to him, I am sure it was a tight experience hangin out with him all day!

~ Dineen

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June 6, 2008