Official Artist
Justin Lim
Comic Creator / Cartoonist , Photographer
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Some Legendary Ligging at the Adidas Originals party

lig Brit slang


(esp. in the media) a function with free entertainment and refreshments


[ ligging , ligged ]

to attend such a function

ligger n

ligging n


All I can say is that there was some truly legendary ligging at the Adidas Originals party at Wong Chuk Hang last week, and yes I was guilty as charged.  In the words of the cult UK comedy The Fast Show... "I was very, very drunk".  Those blue drinks they were serving up by the gallon were deadly... far out.

Some black and white film pics here, plus crappy phone pics.  And getting introduced to Stan Smith!  My God!  It's like meeting the mothership of all sneaker goodness!!!


Also, if there is anything cooler than the combination of a Mister Softee with Adidas Originals livery, I have yet to see it.


















almost 16 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
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stan the man!
almost 16 years ago
Photo 67601
great photos!
almost 16 years ago


more of my photos: www.flickr.com/photos/justinlim

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