Official Artist
Justin Lim
Comic Creator / Cartoonist , Photographer
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My favourite photo of the year so far

I think most pro photographers or even those who are broadly categorised as photo enthusiasts like myself will tell you that the photo they consider their most commercially successful or their standard "money shot" differs from the particular shot or type of photo they consider their personal fave.

This one is my personal fave of 2009 so far.  It's not my most loved, judging from the critical response, but I do love it dearly.  I'm an advocate of high black-and-white contrast, even though it's hardly flavour of the month.  It's of the Japanese Jazz pianist Yuki Makita mid-performance at this year's FCC Jazz Festival.  So I'm posting it here just for my own edification and ego massaging... ha ha.

Copyright J. Lim Photography 2009

as seen on http://www.flickr.com/photos/justinlim/3660640156/

over 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
Photo 261052
Nice!!~ Im not a photographer.. but i sense something from it! Keep up the good work! Cheers, Michael
over 15 years ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Taking pictures of live performances is very difficult. I know, when I was still dancing I don't think anyone every got off a single decent shot of me in almost 10 years of shows. In fact, good B&W pics of live performers are really the best for capturing something that lasts only the briefest second but that still reveals the essence of the entire number or show. I was inspired to write an entire novel about flamenco based on some extremely evocative B&W shots of performers, especially a singer and his guitarist partner. The pictures revealed not only a particular moment in the show, but also a lot about what the relationship was like between these two artists. What I like about your shot is how the formal qualities help to cement the particular emotion you have captured. The echoing of the pianist's profile with that of the bass player, but with the depth of field pulling him out of focus so he become more like an echo of her, and the ways the diagonals of the bass neck and the arm playing the instrument intersect at the level of her chin, the mosaic of light and dark, it all really works to enhance the expression on her face and in her body. Some of it is blind luck--the shutter clicked at exactly the right moment, but a lot of it is having the skills to work on semi-automatic intuition to know when to take the pictures and how to frame them and what to do in terms of exposure, depth of field, etc. You don't have a lot of time to analyze much while you're shooting a live show--you're just getting in the groove and shooting when the moment moves you. To take a picture like this more than once in a blue moon, you have to really know what you're doing as a photographer. Great work. I see why you like it so much.
over 15 years ago


more of my photos: www.flickr.com/photos/justinlim

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