各位Stone Throw迷對Quasimoto一定不會感到陌生.今次和Kid Robot合作推出的figure分別有黃和藍兩隻色,身高為八吋,售價大約定為55美元,有興趣的朋友可以到以下網址查閱: http://www.stonesthrow.com/store
by MOKa
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vryx53OBfA8 wanna check out how we diy this song and MV ???
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VU8P5WPZaI 我每個禮拜都會聽到呢d說話,
"can you play the song I asked for?...
其實dj打既野都要顧及成個dance floor,
唔係 only spin for u !
希望會更加多人睇到呢編野 !!!!!
尊重dj呢份工作。 plz Show some love to the DJ's!
Video: http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=uVKCXyrbfb4 Producer : Dj Galaxy
Lyricist : MastaMic
Director : ChowSaiKau
Yo, Its ya boy MastaMic, 08 Rap Up, wassup, check it, um
Yo, 有驚無險08會過渡到09
回顧過去一個年頭, 整個地球同大家一年既成就
08一開頭第一大大件事, 竟然關我大大波士既事
剩係知出左兩個字組成既無稽新詞 (WHAT?) 係疑似
乜都只係疑似, 大大張相大大個樣都會係疑似, 係純粹諷刺定係要民智反思
我唔知, 上述既假設都只係疑似
Finally my video blog #7 is released !!!
It's a special verson for the coming lunar new year !!!!
Here we go, check it out !!!!
ENJOY !!!!!!!!!
CDJ-3500 單碟播放机
This is the song that we made for this christmas with Double.T
Video was out on the silent night(please check my pervious post), If you wanna d/l this song,
HERE is the MP3 D/L link:
enjoy guys.
INFO about club ranee : http://bar.up4food.com/clubranee
當晚仲有 dj funkb 到場打碟同你倒數 !!!!!!
party time 由十點開始,不過聽老細講好似爆場了,
希望日後有機會見到大家啦 !!!!!!
WE ARE JUSTICE LEAGUE 正義聯盟 MastaMic, BIG $ammY, DJ Moka, DJ FunkB, DJ Mirror, Tedmen, Blacksheep -------------- WE UPDATE ALL ABOUT... MUSIC 好音樂,