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This week's Magazine clippings and jobs and events

March is quite a fullfilling month for me. Lots of castings, photo shootings, jobs, and events :)


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MV shooting for 24 Herbs new song 照做

A day shooting at Clear Water Bay JC (Jackie Chan) Studio for Terence's  new MV production with 24 Herbs for Aids Concern's promotion. The song is call 照做.

Gloria, KiKi, Jane, Sky and I are the girls in the Music Video, and Dan is playing the innocent school boy.   TVB, now tv, and i-cable also came to interview 24 Herbs on the set.

Interview with now TVRead more

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My jobs highlight

Weren't feeling very well begining of the week, but recovered fast!! Overall, this week was  a busy and fun week!!!

Jobs highlight for this week:

Shooting for  "The Days of Noah" Film. A film will be shown in the Ma Wan Park Museum for a few years. Predicted launch date May 2009. Basically the whole film was shot with green screen. Animation and backgrounds will be added in post.

In the film I play an Egyptian witch.

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What happened in these two weeks...

It has been very busy but fulfilling these past few weeks :)

Today (Friday) I have been invited to join a karaoke contest hosted by a Hong Kong karaoke music entertainment company. There were 14 contestants and after 1.5 hours of competition, I won the singing contest and received $400 HKD and an entrance to another singing contest which will be held 2 weeks later. Thanks to all my friends for coming to support me :)

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A night with alivenotdead events :)

It's a wonderful Wednesday night meeting all the alivenotdead friends in two events in LKF :)


Web Wednesday - Social Mixer V22 @ Q97 featuring Patrick Lee and Stephen Wang

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Audi Car Show 2009 @ Shaw Studio

Got invited and attained the Audi Car Show in Shaw Studio tonight. There were so many people and audi lovers at the event. The event was featuring the new A6 model. and the Sports series. I personally like audi TT the most, but it's not at the show tonight. 林憶蓮, Sandy Lam was the guest performer for the night. She sang 6 songs to entertain us tonight. Great event!

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Post-Pagent events

I've come back from San Francisco after the Miss Chinatown U.S.A. Pageant for 5 days, and currently experiencing jet lag and a flu... really needa get some real rest after the past 3 very fulfilling and busy weeks :P

Let me recap on what I've been busying with after the pageant night on Jan 31st.

Basically what follows after the pageant was a list of busy schedule visiting Chinese Associations and sponsors, press interviews, fashion show, ball, city tour, sponsor dinners, and Parade.

Feb 1.= Day 1 after page...Read more

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Six birthday cake in a day!! Miss Chinatown USA Visitation week.

Feb 2, 2009

I had a very very busy, fulfilling, and surprised bday this year :) Thanks to all my new and old friends :)

Today is the 2nd day after our pageant night and it's also the 2nd day of visitation to sponsors and press.

Our first stop today is at the World Journal.

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Media award Winner of Miss TVB Peopele's Choice 2009 in Miss Chinatown USA

After 5 days of intense rehearsals and activities, yesterday was the day of the pageant.


9am       breakfast

10am     Short Rehearsal for stage

11am     Makeup / packing/ Lunch

2pm       Leave Hilton to Palace of Fine Arts

3pm       Briefing at Palace of Fine Arts

3:30pm  Makeup + Hair + wardrobe

7:30pm  Show starts

              - Opening, Welcome Address

              - Salutation to Form...Read more

15 年多 前 0 赞s  9 评论s  0 shares

Big Sat Birthdays + Parties!!!!

This weekend was soooooo fun!!!! 2 big bday parties!! One is me and my sister's PINK Party  in Causeway Bay. The other one is Pat Lee's bday in Macau the Sands VIP Lounge!

My Pink party started at 7pm and Ended at 10:30pm.

Thanks to all my friends for coming and help setting up this wonderful Pink Party for me and my sister :) And thanks for all the lovely presents <3

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JuJu Chan (陳鈺芸) Actress, Action Star, Pop Singer, Author, Hong Kong Taekwondo (ITF) Representative, Signature: double nunchucks


Hong Kong
November 2, 2008